Sunday, October 25, 2020


    ...Time to get a move on...mmmmumm

That was one choice. Could have just as aptly been entitled Lost, after the iconic TV hit. Or, it could just as easily have been named COVID for obvious and not so obvious reasons. On the fourth hand (!) we could have named it tragic run up to a disastrous replay of history. And then a useless talking heads analysis of where we went wrong, with no one taking responsibility for anything!!

Anybody frightened yet out there? You should be, for we are living in a world, in times that have never been as complicated, as dangerous, as these are, especially with the evil synergy of so many complex issues at one and the same time, combined with a surfeit of evil thinking people, of complacent people, of hateful people, of just go along people. Perfect - or imperfect - recipe for bad social change and danger to humanity in a severely existential manner.

We are lost. We have somehow landed on what seems to be earth but apparently is not, what with polar bears and dragons and plots galore, with survivors killing each other rather than combining forces. We have people who demand leadership roles who are seriously lacking in the capabilities of fulfilling those roles.. We have all the selfish tendencies of mankind blooming and blossoming, being celebrated by people wearing red hats even as the flowers of goodness turn black with rot and from neglect. Old time lynch mobs are formed as the crowd chants lock him or her up - so what is next - a noose and a lightpost, or will that tall tree work? We have fallen low, my friends and this is the time to be frightened. And to take action, both proactive and reactive.

In a book which all should read, and feel,and mourn, and cry, and cheer, The Boy Who Followed His Father into Auschwitz, by Jeremy Dronfield, a British nurse talks of what she felt when she was in Bergen Belsen after the war.

"... she felt shame and remorse that, having heard of the existence of such camps in 1934, she had never realized - and hadn't wanted to realize - that they could be like this. She and her colleagues were 'stirred with a cold anger which grew against those primarily responsible, the Germans, an anger that grew daily at Belsen." Others were shocked and it continues on - 

and sadly enough it has not stopped, never stopped for one minute, for one second in this world of ours. We cannot seem to stop ourselves from hating someone, anyone, someone other than ourselves, or even those like us if we do not go along to get along, justify it all by wanting 'peace', ignoring it all, turning upon each other, former friends and former family - and yes, former, for that is how deep the hate and the damage goes.

The world has not changed and in fact, the atmosphere of today is probably the most dangerous since the end of the Cold War - which has heated up again. Only now we have super weapons of which we boast, even as our people starve, as our economy collapses, as our leaders fail in their jobs and as we failed to pick the right ones.

How does one expect that our country, once a proud America, could survive this trend, particularly with so many stuck in a rut which precludes any blame or failure to impact their chosen tyrant. How does one continue on this blind path wherein the most selfish man on earth keeps telling us that we are "rounding a corner', that our numbers are great, -83,000 new confirmed cases on Friday, shattering the previous record of more than 77,000 cases in July, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. The surge has led to more than 8.4 million cases and pushed the death toll to more than 223,000 people. That a vaccine is any day now, and the race for president is all about picking on him. Why does he only hear about COVID he wants to know. Anyone care to respond?? Disregard the true man behind the curtain, or the flimsy and faulty imitation of one. Ignore his lies, his sexual perversions, his disrespect for all others, for those who do not serve him - yes, serve - who do not flatter him and cater to his ego, who cheats the government and his fellow citizens, stiffs his subcontractors, ignores signed contracts, refuses to obey the rules and protocols, the traditions of this country, who encourages hate and finds positive things about hate groups, who lies and lies and lies and bullies all he can target. He even cheats charity!!

So tell me, red hat people, what does it take to get the blinders over your eyes removed, the minds working again, the Kool Aid put down, and a cool, refreshing glass of water taken - that is if one will be able to find any pure water, land or air, soon enough as all safety regulations are removed. As people with preexisting conditions - like me, and so many others - will simply not be allowed to live, the inevitable result of unaffordability of medical care, of medicinal aid, anything that would help a person live with a decent quality of life. And do not think you would be exempt from these troubles, for in such a world, there is no loyalty only constant fear, suspicion and depression, along with poverty, lack of medical care, lack of care for those who need it- and YOU will need that aid - that is never forthcoming any more. Scooters, medicines, hospitalization, home care - will be no more. A land of hopeless, desperate people. Blood anyone? Guns anyone?

What's goin' on is that we are indeed lost, that we are a nation afflicted with all the symptoms of COVID. We have a great fatigue plaguing the nation. We have lowered oxygen levels in our lungs and are laboring to breathe in these polluted and dangerous times, and oh, Dear G-d, but do we all have major headaches as we attempt to make sense out of a senseless world, a life, a threat to this country that we had not seen forthcoming , or did - and ignored it - or were ignored by those who simply want to live their own little life. But there is no longer that ability.  We are all in for it, the same damned mess that we helped create. 

 See, unlike that British nurse, WE are primarily responsible for it all. WE are the ones who let it get this far. WE are the ones who decided to go along with a dangerously demented and mentally ill man. WE are the ones who have not forced our GOP representatives to man up!! To do the right thing. And they have all, to a one, become moral cowards. Every Single One.

People out there who know the need for reform, for a strong and major change in our path toward the future - get out there and VOTE. EVERY VOTE COUNTS. 


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