Friday, October 23, 2020


     What it all comes down to is, as Biden so aptly put it, a matter of character - his and Trump's. It was clear, crystal clear, throughout the debate as to the lack of character of Trump, even the evil tendencies that run through him versus the impassioned voice of Biden as he discussed certain trigger issues and had the absolute strength of character to admit mistakes in the past and attempts, ongoing, to fix those errors. That took a depth of character and a deep sense of honor and responsibility. As opposed to the shallowness, the greedy, hopelessly cold nature of Trump's character, his deep abyss of selfishness and sociopathy, unable to see beyond his own nose, to truly know and feel with and for other people in their joys, griefs, struggles and victories.

There was praise for Trump, that he did not interrupt, that he controlled himself. I wonder what debate those people were watching as I saw a man with constant grimaces and gestures, a man who refused to shut up as Welker asked him to, a man so cold, so clumsy, so nasty, with such a low bar of positivity within him, that when he controls or is somewhat controlled by a threat of a shut off mic, he gets praise. Well, maybe people also needed to listen to him as he spoke - of lies and more lies, of false accusations, of the same old tired excuses of 'audit' for no tax revelations, for blaming all things ugly on others, the same old refrain of being picked on - his own sin, actually - with no compassion for even the tiniest kids left bereft of parents through his policies.

Hence we arrive at the stench in G-d's nostrils. One of the analysts of the debate used that term to condemn that behavior with the children. 545 children can not be reunited with parents who were unable to be found, deported without their children, who had been ripped away from them. Many of these little ones were really little, under 5, even infants, toddlers, and they will have no idea who they are, their names, their parents' names, what parents are, actually, their heritage and background and that is the stench in G-d's nostrils. It stinks to the high heavens, penetrates into the deepest, most remote areas of heaven, and leaves or brings with it a reeking, ugly stench that offends the nostrils of     G-d. Perfect description and the fact that Trump could care less, could deny the cages, the inhumane conditions in which the kids were kept and the missing parents,  well, we know just what this excuse for a man truly is under all that orange skin, that weird hair and most annoying smirk.

Biden had it right when he stated that a man who could care less re the consequences of the pandemic, who is responsible for the huge numbers of dead, does not belong in the Oval Office, does not deserve to be president. Biden stressed that he would be an American President, not a Red state or Blue state one. He stressed that he was running, Joe Biden, and not anyone else as Trump tried to being in tired old and meaningless memes that long ago were shunted to the roadside.

I heard plans from Biden and none from Trump, only his continual whine and continued use of old lies. Not enough. Never enough. He simply does not have enough goodness nor honor and honesty within him to be a true leader. He has the emotional or rather emotionless affect of the sociopath, whose only emotion is anger when he is crossed or satisfaction at revenge achieved. This man is no President.

His stench needs to be gone. His stench needs to be fumigated from the hallways of the WH. His stench needs to be combatted with all that we have, and these children need to be reunited with parents or relatives, and the emotion with which Biden spoke on this and other issues is proof of the pudding.

 America and Americans need to be reunited, sewn together once more rather than be separated by flashing cleavers. Cleavers of hate, of violence, of bias, of stupidity, of poor policies, of no policies. 50 million have voted already. Join them, VOTE, and cleanse the air, fill the nostrils of G-d with fresh, sweet smelling and clean air, the air of hope, of unity, of genuine humanity of all.



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