Thursday, October 22, 2020


      It must be interesting to live in a bubble. There are those individuals who are forced to do so in reality due to severe illness. And then there are those who make up bubbles in which they live, leaving reality outside. That must require some hard work and effort, taking those away from other areas and the results are clearly seen, though the whole process of bubble making decisions is quite opaque, most often not open to understanding by sane people outside that bubble.

We have a sham President who lives in a bubble. Since childhood he has bubbled his life, protected by money, by his own fake calls for publicity, by his flamboyant life style, all clouded by the lies that apparently were and still are the currency of his life. Within that bubble, the only people of value are family members obedient to him, the "crazy uncle", of use in applying and pushing his bizarre policies, making excuses for his demented, mean spirited constant stream of tweets. To them, add his yes people, those who cannot seem to muster enough courage and values to say NO when he comes up with his outrageous and dangerous statements and policies. In the meanwhile, all Americans left outside this bubble, this very restricted bubble, are left with no defenses or remedies, infected to the ongoing disharmonic tune of over 8 million, dying in droves, alone, hurting, over 221,000 right now, and staring panic in the face as their money runs out, unemployed, their children are crying, and their homes and shelters are becoming lost to them.

So what's with the marbles and balls, you ask? Well, we all know the kid from childhood who always had to have his way, for if not, he would pick up his marbles, whatever toy  was in use, and walk away, leaving the rest of the more economically deprived children to figure out another game to play. These nasty children grow up into the same type of person and this time, as they leave, with their marbles in hand, the consequences are far more severe for all concerned. It is not a toy they leave with, but instead the trust, the hope, the faith that people ought to be able to have in their leadership. Well, certainly today, in these times, the leadership of the GOP is as far away from inspiring trust, faith, hope, and loyalty to the ethos of our country as one can get. They have long ago taken their marbles, the very ones we provided to them and paid for, and gone home, leaving their swamp behind, alive and well, expanding geometrically, swallowing all that was, is, and supposed to be America, gulping it down its greedy maw.

And the balls? Well, I do not know what it is about men that makes them think that their equipment is of great interest and beauty to others. Hence, the constant playing  with it and the public adjustment. That little head overpowers their larger heads, apparently mostly empty up there, and their hands are always, not in the cookie jar, but down their proverbial pants, caught redhanded, literally and figuratively. It is no wonder that "Mother" does not allow Pence to be alone with a woman, even for discussion, for maybe she knows something we do not, or she simply knows men, at least men of this ilk and lack of thought and control process. And why should we expect otherwise, as their chosen leader, their slavishly obeyed Master, is one of the biggest perverts around, whining so hard, so 'hurt' when a woman questions him strongly, fairly, when she does not fall for his 'charms', so faded are they, or dares to oppose him in any one of myriad manners. Hence, the cameo of Giuliani with his hands down his pants is not surprising nor shocking. Such is the level of their thinking for the most part and it does not get much better than that. Apologies to the men who are not this way, but these GOP bigshots - whew! Guys, you need to take your brothers to the woodshed and install some discipline in them, some moral spine, some semblance of civilized behavior. Immorality is generally not confined to one area. Remember that.

Tonight is the last debate. Record millions have already voted, despite all the attempts to stifle their ability to do so and these efforts are continuing. Will the debate change a mind anywhere out there? Who the hell knows in this  upside down world, where corruption has been honored these past four years, openly, proudly, and where progress has been turned on its head. Personally, I will be watching for the laughs, for the release of pressure as I shout at the screen, at their ridiculous man up there and that would be Trump, for those of you who still believe in bubbles and marbles, as I wonder just how low we have fallen, and how difficult the climb back will be.

But we are American underneath it all. We can hope that those who have forgotten will take some Aricept and recall the truth. We can hope that those creeps and spouters of hate will crawl back into the dark where they belong, disempowered, shamed and ashamed. One can hope, anyway.

And we can VOTE!! Each and every one of us must vote, no excuses. If that vote goes wrong, woe upon us. So VOTE. Emulate those who come with their chairs, with their kids and their toys, who sit and stand in line for hours, prepared with food and drink, bound by a determination and a loyalty to fellow Americans and to the world, commitment to a better world, to fix the world, doing their part in that effort. Or drop your ballot off at the office.

Join the sane, the responsible, the caring and the concerned. VOTE!!

bubbel nothing of any virtue or worth.

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