Sunday, October 18, 2020


      This morning, or middle of the night, take your pick, I got caught up in some sidepiece stories. One has a missing mom, lost in the savage wilderness of Zion National Park. Where is she in the midst of Nature? No one is quite sure and she is missing for over a week now. Another story relates to homes that are built literally hanging off a cliff. Besides the fact that I would never look out the window as the heights would frighten me, how the hell do people live in these homes knowing that cliffs erode, beams rust, and Nature has its moments?!

Then it hit me. We, as a people, as a nation, as a world, are also living on the edge of the proverbial cliff, at times hanging on by our fingernails, lost in a new wilderness where we are without a clear map to paths of exit. Thus, we run around, lost, directionless, going in circles, all the while the situation around us grows worse with catastrophic acts of Nature piling up. Will we survive this horror trip into the wilderness or will we succumb to its perils, alone, in a darkness filled with the sounds of real and imaginary, just as frightening, perhaps even more so, predators just waiting to tear us apart.

Boys will be boys is the saying, but is there no limit? Yes, boys cannot seemingly walk down a hallway without kicking out at a locker or jumping with an imaginary basketball whooshing into an imaginary net! They are little macho men as they find their way through life. However, a huge however, is it not time that we stop making excuses for those who never grow up? Must we endure Peter Pan all the time? Do not get me wrong, for I love the whole thought of "I won't Grow Up" but I also accept that at times we must acknowledge that like it or not, we do grow up, must grow up and must behave as adults should at important moments in time and life. 

We here in America have forgotten that fact. Too many of us cheer on a man who incites the boy bully behavior of the schoolyard, never having learned to behave otherwise. We cheer on a man who lives for chants, carrying nothing within other than messages of hate, of stupidity, of an awfulness and darkness that is simply intolerable. How so many people can still look away from the sins of this man and make excuses for him is mind boggling.

 "Lock 'em all up." A continuous chant which, if we are blessed by his defeat, will prove onerous for him and his buddies as they lose their self imposed defenses as working for or as the President, and off they will go and you can bet your bippy that I will be there to cheer that on, to smile and whoop joyously as the man and his sick cronies do the  perp walk in their oh so cute orange jumpsuits, perhaps tailored for them in a custom shade of orange to match his skin color!!Guess color of skin might matter at times! Ahh, a gal can dream!

No meat or potatoes in that man's campaign. Only whines. Suburban women don't love him, he complains. His wall to "protect" us from the evidently revived hordes of Attila the Hun, is not quite getting built so quickly. He will be so embarrassed should he lose that he might have to leave the country. Oh, please do so - I will even give you a lift to the airport -  but after you serve your terms of punishment and confinement for your crimes. 

Other Republicans follow along in the ridiculous pathways this man has engendered. Sen. Perdue stands there and makes fun of Kamala Harris, miming her name in a ridiculing moment and worse, the idiots with him laugh at this negative schoolboy behavior. No, enough of boys will be boys. Guys, you gotta' grow up sometime, so why the hell not now!!!

The worst, though, are the sudden words of GOP members of Congress, both Houses, who suddenly realize that the coattails of Trump are all raggedy, unable to carry them to victory, but rather to defeat. Suddenly, they are trying to find breathing space, to extract their heads from his rear, where they have been hiding lo these many a year! But really, it is all still hot air, and their voices lie, their tongues are forked, the serpent still lives within them, as they will continue to vote as good little boys, serve the bully who maintains his hold over them, and will vote en masse to confirm the worst ever candidate for the Supreme Court. Worse than Bork. Worse than Thomas. Worse than Alito. Worse than Kavanaugh! Why? Because he said so!!! He said to!!!, "Wasn't me, Momma; he made me do it!" A constant excuse which counts for nothing on the scales of balance of life. Their damage done is damage of long term, perhaps forever, time and still, betcha' the yeas will outnumber any GOP nay at the confirmation vote. Sad, but true. Sasse, Gardner, Collins, Romney - bags of hot air worth nothing, less than nothing!

Are we not yet tired enough of all the misdeeds? Of all the attempts at bribery - money to farmers - now. Drug cards to seniors - now. The Abraham Pact, a big nothing - now, and the eternal ranting and raving, demented tweets and statements, evident signs of physical and mental deterioration in ever increasing speeds. Bread and circuses did not work for the Romans, nor cake for the French. The hypnotic horror of Hitler faded but only after unfathomable evil. The only thing left for us, for Americans to do, is to sit up, stand up, and do the right thing.

And all the rest of the numbers should convince you, should you need more convincing. Over 8 million infected. Over 70,000 yesterday alone. Bumping up against 220,000 dead and the numbers are growing in a ghastly, seemingly unstoppable run, with predictions of several more hundreds of thousands gone by the first month of the new year.

22 million jobs lost, and more, unemployment benefits running out, already gone for some, mortgages unpaid, rent unavailable, food out of reach with no money in the pocket to pay for it. Children wailing in puzzled hunger while parents cry over their hopelessness and helplessness and all the while our taxpayer monies are flowing into Trump's hotels, so much so, that the State Department refuses to release the facts and papers until after Election Day. Hmmm. Anybody smell the rats in the walls?

Let us find our way out of this dangerous wilderness. Let us anchor our homes and nation to a more secure site. Let us return to a past ethos and prepare for a better future. Vote! Please, for the sake of all of us - VOTE!!!!!

threats and dangers/

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