Friday, October 16, 2020


     Last night was an example par excellence of the choice awaiting us. On the one side, there was a man calmly answering questions,  a few minor errors mixed in, appearing to be sane, rational, and truly caring for the American people with plans to help. 

On the other hand, there was Savannah Guthrie doing the best job yet at being a moderator. She peppered that man, that crazed individual, with to the point questions, demanded answers, refused to accept the inane and dangerous, yes, dangerous answers or response, for true answers were few and very far between. The lies that man told, the man that Guthrie said needed to remember that he is not the "crazy uncle" spouting these ridiculous statements, but the President, a leader, or presumably so, and he needed to be better than that. Ha! As if! Ever!

"I know nothing about it" seemed to be the refrain of the night for him, and there I agree. The man truly knows nothing about anything of importance. All he does know is to lie, to exaggerate, to push hatred and violence as if they were on a fire sale, and consistently back beyond belief statements from QAnon and the like about blood libel, deep state conspiracies, nonsense the JFK Jr and Osama Bin Laden are still alive - huh! and tries to wiggle out by denying any knowledge of it at all. Sounds remarkably like taking the Fifth, when one is guilty of a crime and asked a question that would cement his guilt.

It is extremely frightening to think that a madman is at the helm of a ship of state on very rocky and dangerous seas. More than that, when we read that two political appointees, openly political, mind you, put there in place to make sure that political correctness was followed, that things were kept under control, not for truths but for lies. Da! Nyet! Jawohl! Nein! Raus! Are you seeing the future of Trump and America yet? If not, perhaps you need some vision evaluation, for the dangers are clearly seen, openly there for the understanding and the fright they induce, the gloomy future they portend.

Even as Trump rails against mail in ballots, his people and campaign staff are pushing their members to do exactly that. Even as he pushes his dictatorial plans, even as people still refuse to see the truth, the dangerous truth, about him, there is a serious unity among his opponents, from Republicans disgusted by his behavior, by the perversions he has committed in the name of the GOP, to Bloomberg who has put his money where his mouth is, HIS money, and not that which was stolen from others or gained through fraud. Add to that the plain old simple people who were aghast at the result of the last election, determined to see a change, and the people who shamefacedly admit that they voted for Trump last time, caught up in his lies, but now are going for Biden. So many of us are praying that the dawn of Nov. 4 will be the dawn of a new day for this country and the world, for G-d help us if it is not so and I am very leery of the process, its destruction, and the very real possibility of civil war once again. That has already begun.

Are you into facts, cold, hard facts, that cannot be denied? Well, discard his ridiculous statement that the CDC said that 85% of those wearing masks get COVID, a perversion of a statement and a study. On the other hand, in so short a time, the infection rate has risen to over 50,000 a day, we have hit the mark of 8 million infected and 218,000 dead. Read those numbers again. And again. Are you satisfied with  Trump's pandemic plans and actions - or lack thereof? Are you such a believer that should you get infected you will refuse medical treatment in those very wards of which you deny! Money and mouths folks, money and mouths. Understand that the mask you do not wear, the social distancing you do not keep, well, you are thereby and hereby guilty of being complicit in aiding and abetting the murder of others, those who get sick and die, those who get sick and never really recover, those who have lives disrupted, lost loved ones, jobs, all sense of hope and trust - because you will not follow safety rules and instead follow the insane path of Trump. So J'accuse! The guilt falls where it must.

Finally, the warnings are there. Judges in the highest court who refuse to have any opinion even as we have seen these opinions voiced elsewhere. We have seen Barrett say that climate and environmental change and damage is controversial! Really!? But the Republicans have heard the warning voices and seen the writing on the wall. What goes around comes around, and "because we can do it" will not help them anymore. In fact, with a Democratic majority in both Houses perhaps we have a chance to reverse all this damage, to steady ourselves on a positive path, and why ? Because it is right and because we can!!

All we need is your vote. Run, walk, trot, crawl, fly, drive, ride, Uber or Lyft, just get there and vote!!



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