Wednesday, October 28, 2020


     The problem is, perhaps there are too many questions being asked, so answers are not forthcoming. Or, perhaps we are asking the wrong questions, hence no answers, at least not very many that make sense. Or, perhaps there are no answers. At least not helpful, complete answers which provide a cue, a roadmap, a direction to follow. Such is the predicament today. Not a good situation.

Then what is the question to be asked? Perhaps this one: what if? But then again, there are so many corollaries to that question that we could be up all night simply listing them. In fact, most of us will be up all night on Nov.3-4 hoping, praying, weeping, pleading, for a different result than four years ago.

Four years ago we forgot we were America. Four years ago we played a dangerous game of "I'll show them" and voted in a dangerous, demented clown, whose smirk was real. Four years ago we became the private go to resource for Trump coffers as the government paid him millions upon millions as he played host at his hotels and golf clubs. Four years ago we pushed this nation and globe to the edges of the earth and the dangers beyond manifested themselves daily as we ignored all warnings.

Four years ago we enabled the growth of hatred, a toxic atmosphere, to develop in this country. Four years ago we deemed all refugees as murderers and rapists, fought against the fearsome enemies of the state in the form of little brown children as we separated them from their parents, some of them still lost, perhaps forever lost. Four years ago we ran into a rain of lies such as we have never seen before, actual WH policy! Four years ago these lies, these bigoted statements and comments began to lead to murder - from synagogues to the streets. Four years ago we began to see violent proof of too many  rotten apples in the police departments as those deemed suspects, for whatever, were summarily judged out there on the streets, the literal street, tried and executed with capital punishment - death. Four years ago we forgot how to ask questions and the answers took too long in coming.

This attitude began to pervade the nation, seeping, oozing, into every level of government. It appeared to be that wherever a Republican came into office, the good old days of nepotism, graft and corruption, public funds drained off for private people and needs, all the ugliness of an ugly governmental attitude, came into fashion once more, with a riproaring bang as we, the people, were ripped off, stomped upon, deemed of little value, and the important values of profits for the uber wealthy, became prime. Values, morality? Feh!!

Even as we asked questions, more and more, we never received answers, certainly not honest ones. Those with thinking minds began to figure out the answers for themselves, began to draw up road maps that asked the right questions and led people to correct and helpful answers. The problem - will enough people listen, hear, see, think, and do the right thing and VOTE for Biden/Harris, for a future, for hope, for America. I hope so, I truly do. If not....I cannot even allow myself to go there, so frightening, so doomed a fate if that were to be.

And what about here? Here in CV we have the worst ever president of UCO, perhaps tied with Kurt Weiss who sold us down the river with the present expiring Millennium Agreement and David presumably is preparing - or not preparing at all - and hence history will repeat itself, perhaps even worse. He has long ago outworn his sell by date. His brain and thinking powers, his values, his morality, his recognition that he volunteered to run to serve the residents, and not himself - well, the resulting present situation is a clue to all that has, is, and will continue to go wrong here.

We have no clue as to where our funds have gone. We have no clue as to the proposed budget. We have no clue, and given no approval for the spending of funds as thousands are being thrown out every day as we piecemeal repair the roads that he did such a crappy job and contract with in the first place. We have no idea where we are in the new agreement and how much we will be ripped off by management. We have no UCO, for all intents and purposes, as there are no longer any meetings, certainly none which involve others than the same officials, the same cloned hand picked people, yes people, who show up at every committee meeting,  that does happen, all to rubberstamp David's warped decisions  - what a cruel joke! We have had no Executive Board meetings since March. We have had no Delegate Assembly meeting since March. The great techie maven apparently has lost those gray cells that deal with newer enabling techniques for meetings and so - no ZOOM for truly open meetings. The building - that we paid for - is locked against us, with self made hours and decisions as to whom to allow in and whom to block. Even the purported Village blog, his own personal one, has no takers, no responses, for he has long ago blocked all that oppose him ad his plans. Now there is a posting either volunteered or paid for advertisement for a political candidate for judge!!!!!

So what are the questions? Where are the answers? And where are we? Where are our mouths? Where is our defiance to this loss of democracy and rights. Sorry, got no answers for you if eyes and ears and feet and brains are not ready to hear them.

'Tis a shame, a deep one. Wish the answers were easy, wish the questions were asked, wish the answers were heard, on every level of government - but if wishes,,,,well, we all know the rest of that one. G-d help us if we do not help ourselves 'Tis a shame.


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