Thursday, October 29, 2020


     I swear, you cannot make this up. The tautologies, inanities, stupidities and falsehoods that keep on coming from the maw of the Trump campaign are unbelievable, but unfortunately, too real. Their collective tongues and feet, along with their abused and abusive mouths must be raw from the constant insertion of said items into their mouths or stepping on them as they lay out carpets of lies before themselves. Kind of the opposite of the rose petals scattered before a bride. So, why the title? Could not help myself. Kushner, the "senior adviser" to his father in law, had a profound moment re their mess and incompetence with the pandemic. The problem, he stated oh so wisely and profoundly, was that the WH had too many incompetent idiots. 

If they would simply read a paper or wo, or look at their tv screens, the would see the truth, that the idiots are those reflected right back at them. They would realize exactly who these idiots are, condemned by their own actions or inactions in dealing with the pandemic. Hence the growing numbers of dead and infected. Hence the reeling hospitals and exhausted personnel on all front lines, with no help forthcoming from the incompetents and idiots in the White House.

Let's take another one, truth, evidently becoming an endangered species within the White House and this administration. Mike Lee, a prototype of the devolvement of all GOP Senators and public officials, said that fact checking, the truth, is simply censorship. I kid you not!

What has happened o our country, once so grand? What has happened to its ethics, to its honor, to its constant striving, to those who rose to the challenge in serving their country, rather than in serving themselves? Our cadre of supposed leaders is now a strange compendium of unbelievable idiots, liars, criminals, and incompetents.

Opinions | How the idiocy of Trump and Jared Kushner let the pandemic loose

Not done yet, folks, so hang in there. Just a bit more. Did you know that California forces its citizens to wear strange and arcane masks at ALL times. I kid you not - at least according to that prototype of the worst leader ever, Trump, and all manifestly lies, but then again,, re Mike Lee, truth is just censorship, so here comes the Queen of Hearts, shouting off with their heads and Americans screaming in desperation to the chant of "we're late" rings out so true. Can we wind back the clock, reset the dial, and return to any kind of normalcy? Dunno. I truly do not - and that is if all goes well with Tuesday and the right leaders are elected to office. But even then, even then, we have the tyrannical, demented, sociopath still in office till January 20th and oh the mischief, to say the least, that can be done in the interim.

Even if we could reset time, what about the rest of the "collateral" damage we have incurred these past four years. This man and his ilk took an economy returned to growing health and trashed it. They took compassionate reasoning and a caring government back to the Dark Ages of humanity where we condemned those needing  help to flounder and drown, alone, in despair, with hungry and homeless flooding the land. Why collateral? Because those who mattered in this strange and cold world would be only the upper crust, tax free, corrupt, spoiled, entitled, uncaring, as their growing wealth was ripped from the skin and labor of others. Collateral indeed. Now, if in today's world that makes me a - oooohhhh - socialist, then so be it. And so be it for all of you who use Medicare, Social Security, SNAP, unemployment benefits, age related subsidies, government funds, any governmental subsidies, then  Tsk, tsk, all you closeted socialists! Ooohhh, gotta' rethink, dontcha!

So, as the rest of the country remains in the killing fields of the pandemic, yeah, that one, we are being told that ending this pandemic is one of the leading triumphs of the Trump administration, Again, cannot make this up. Just pickup a paper, go online. then try not to choke, as you think of your own fear for yourself and your loved ones, as you mourn those dying, those already dead and missed, those friends gone, the overwhelmed hospitals, and exhausted front liners in all fields, from hospitals to food delivery, to all those purchases we now make on line and pick up curbside!!

But wait, for there is yet more vicious inanities. As Trump returns to the White House, stepping off his helicopter, no mob transportation for him, he rips off his so called mask, in a gesture meant to increase deaths and defiance of common sense, and tells us that we should not let it dominate us, not allow it to take over our lives, for we can live with it!!! Right! Tell that to the families with no medial or health insurance who die alone, at home, quarantined from their family, or the people dying alone in hospitals, saying goodbye over the internet, with only a caring nurse there to facilitate even that small gesture. Don't let it take us over; we can live with it. No, we cannot, as we are finding out once again. As the death rate, the hospitalizations all zoom up. 

No. We have had enough of this topsy-turvy world. This is not pajama day in kindergarten, or funny hat day in fifth grade or beanie day in college. This is live or die time in America. This is dying time for the economy as it cannot be restored until we deal with this pandemic. It is times of desperation as the repressed hatreds of so many burst forth from wounded hearts and minds, as souls are challenged, as violence grows. Pictures of protests and riots are shown as threats to what WILL be under a Biden administration, all the while, all the damned time, disremembering, that this is happening NOW, under a Trump administration, encouraged by a Trump administration, seeded by a Trump administration, all to bring about a different America, one with no hope, without unity, without compassion. Instead,  we will be just another once upon a time country now reduced to Third World status, run by petty despots who feather their own nests, stealing all those proverbial feathers from the oppressed masses of their country.

No, folks, this is the truth and if we have any more time on this stressed and abused globe of ours, future historians will wonder how a nation lost its minds, lost its collective psyche, became the moral mess it did; the immorality of its leaders, the weakness and flaws of the people, combining in an evil, seemingly unstoppable synergy. I, for one, do not want to see this happen. I, for one will vote Biden. I, for one, will be up all night, hoping, praying, shouting, crying, worrying - what will be. Trying to forgo any thoughts of the worst, or of a President who fosters Civil War in this country. Join me in fighting for a future and let us send these moral wimps and dangerous cowards back to where they belong wherever that is.

Finally, just a little tweak. David, oh, David, Board meetings are allowed as of Nov. 2, by the words of WPRF. Are we having one now? We can schedule one for next week and call it the March - October Executive Board Meeting!! Hmmmm. How do you get out of this one?

Go and VOTE, friends. Go in person now. Bring those ballots in. Get the crooks, the dangerously inept, out of office. Let us feel hope and clean air once again.    VOTE.

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