Friday, October 30, 2020


     So stated one potential voter when asked about her choice for President. She answered by stating that she was staying out of the mix, voting on down ballot candidates but not for the top of the ballot. No decision on the vital question as to who will lead this country over the next four years.

But in doing so, she has made a decision and it is not a good one for Biden. Not making a choice is giving  a free vote to Trump, giving him a pass on all the sins he has committed lo these past four years - and those he allegedly committed in years past. I cannot wait to see him charged, convicted and jailed. But for that to happen he must be out of office, where he should never have been in the first place! People, there is no staying out of the mix on this issue for all are going to be affected by the choice of others.

There are other numbers to take into account. The numbers such as an almost 1,000 drop in the market, losses of thousands, particularly hurting small investors. There are the umbers like 89,000 new cases of infection, a new record, and one we are likely at this point to break and set new records every damned day going forward. Almost 9  million infected here, almost 230,000 dead, though thankfully we are getting better at keeping patients alive, but at what cost, and also recognizing that as younger people become ill, they have a better chance of survival than the earlier, older patients and victims of this virus. Staying out of the mix? Sorry, not on this issue and so many others.

And as the virus rages, burning through the voter possibilities and options for voting, as the fires rage, shifting populations away from their voting areas, as hurricane Zeta shuts off power to millions, this election is becoming more and more of a tossup, with dire consequences depending upon the final vote count, which, incidentally, will not be available for at least several days, then challenged multiple times in the courts, now stacked with Trump zombies, thanks to McConnell and others of his morally challenged ilk, and then who knows? 

Will Trump take off on his crazed threats of challenging the election, of refusing to leave office. And if he wins, - then we lose. Will we begin the final assault on democracy in America, the final siege of rights, of humanity, of the environment, of a hope to avoid a sixth extinction - that of mankind!? Who knows!?

Pence has not shown up to meetings on the so called panel about the virus, and he is the chair. Yet another prime example of incompetence and stupidity in this administration. We find that Azar has used public funds to improve Trump's campaign (one which would be ever so improved if only the madman would pull out!) And that plan? To find celebrities who perfectly support Trump the Rump in every one of his insane proposals and platform planks. Guess what? None too many found, thank the good Lord! I believe they found 10, and that is actually ten too many for my taste.

We are being cautioned against early optimism as Republican voters tend to come out on Election Day rather than early vote. Well, we must combat that, chauffeur voters to the polls, give them water and chairs and encouragement to wait it out. We must carry ballots of the homebound to the boxes and offices for secure and timely deposits. We must do all we can, and indeed, stay, remain, up to our threatened necks, in the mix.

This election is a existential one, both for short and long term. This country cannot survive intact, in harmony, with its founding principles, its ever ongoing attempts to right wrongs, to undo the harm caused by mistakes, were Trump the Rump to serve another term. That must never happen nor should Pence be there in the line for office were something to happen.

No, we must recognize the situation wherein no one can stay out of the mix. We are already embroiled in that mix and must do our best, take our responsibility seriously, and get further in the mix until it is properly sorted out. And would that not be such a great joy, to see the criminal, the fakes and frauds, get what should have been coming to them lo these many a year.

And by the way, we must combat this attitude even in our local elections and choices. Guess what? The Executive Board meeting is canceled yet again.

March, 2020 - nix on Assembly and Board

April, 2020 -nix Assembly and Board

May, 2020 - nix Assembly and Board

June, 2020 - nix Assembly and oard

July, 2020 - nix Assembly and Board

August, 2020 - nix Assembly and Board

September, 2020 - nix Assembly and Board

October, 2020 - nix Assembly and Board

November, 2020 and on? What do you think?

Folks, we must get right in there and make one's displeasure known. Get rid of the useless timber and put in fresh plantings, newer and improved seeds, all for a  better CV and a better USA and a better world.

         VOTE     VOTE      VOTE    VOTE

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