Friday, November 13, 2020


      And you can make book on that statement! In fact, it appears to be that many people have truly not been here oh, these last four years, shall we say? Okay, physically they might have been there, but mentally, equipped with functioning brain power, true eyesight and common sense, let alone with moral power, then uh uh, many people have not been here. What's more, there are people now leaving the drawing room, shall we say, as disaster approaches for their lord and master, the Demented ever so Intimidating One. Yes, verily, he will be gone, and very soon. And that will make even more people 'not be here' - such a lovely thought. Hang on to that.

Told that the 'wall' of insanity is breaking down, I continue to wonder if the greatest lack of action during this whole disgusting mess was the lack of purchase of thousands of steel poles, all the better to gain people's attention as they were smacked upside and downside their proverbial thick skulls. Perhaps that would have gained entry to totally blocked minds and allowed light and sense and truth in. Would that it had been so. Would that it will be so - right now, but optimism is in short supply around here lately.

Supposed adults are talking about a supposed adult, stating that he is depressed, needs coddling, needs to be humored. After all, it is only temporary, actually funny, one might say. Well, steel pole at the ready - no, it is not funny, it is not appropriate, and it is, in fact, shameful beyond all imagination. Coddle a grown man? A grown man who has not been presidential lo these many a year and now has openly displayed his dementia and people are coddling here, wasting court time, and worse, oh, so much worse, inducing otherwise sane and thinking people to believe in mythological misdeeds re a national election! 

But not only that, for  apparently the only fraud in the race was the presidential one, and only where Trump lost. Otherwise, particularly where Republicans triumphed, well, no fraud there. Amazing how so many people could take the time on jammed circuits of voters to be so very specific in misdeed. Apparently, insanity endows one with otherwise unknown powers of haste, of specificity and knowledge how all else is proceeding nationwide, hence, what must be done to insure that things break the 'right' way. What I would have given for that power instead of spending sleepless nights pacing the floor and chewing on fingernails while I waited, hoping that the American people would come to their senses. Even as I kept stealing peeks at my handy dandy steel pole.

So people laugh, people make excuses for a president who never was, who spends his days in insane tweets and spinning broken spider webs. But people do not, or refuse to, recognize that the danger this man has introduced into the very roots of democracy are toxic, explosive and dangerous beyond all conception. This farce has made us a laughing stock of the world and reduced our powers to convince other nations to do the right thing, well, whoosh! There they went, straight down the toilet. 

And there they found the remnants of the four year old pile of virtue and righteousness, of patriotism, of justice, of law and procedure - all that the GOP threw away and induced others to do the same. And for that, they substituted all the sludge of corruption, incompetence, greed, injustice, bribery, cronyism, nepotism and all else that smacks of evil. And the worst of it in my book, the growing power and presence of those toxic children, perhaps the descendants of children of the corn - Eric, Junior and Ivanka. Feh!! Ptui!! And that goes the same for Jared!

People, Biden won. All elections that Trump loses are not fraudulent, though he claims it to be so. America can be on the right track and should be right there if not for the blockade of Trump et al and the loss of sense and sanity among the many. The pandemic is worse than ever, and 300,000 dead will soon be reached at this rate and not stop there either. Over ten million infected and growing at over 67,000 a day. The economy unable to be resurrected as people are quarantined, or ill, or caring for loved ones down with it, or trying to recover from shattering grief in a world turned upside down, turned mad.

Imagine what an army of  newly knighted and sane citizens, armed with the steel poles of justice, patriotism, unity, humanity, and goodness, of welcome to new immigrants, of decency, of remembering the struggles of our forefathers, imagine what such an army can do. Grab yours and come along. We need all of us, no excuses and all returning to sanity will be welcomed right into the fold. No vengeful moronic plans and denial of reality here. Only a strong desire to right the world on its axis, save the globe from destruction, just do the right thing.

And a lot of people WILL be here. Steel poles and all. Sanity and all. Decency and all. Justice and all. As for his plans to return in 2024, by then his dementia will be apparent to the strongest of all the deniers, so let him prattle on, rattle on, tweet on. He is useless, meaningless and his powers must be controlled until Biden is sworn in. Perhaps then, maybe, we can hope, the legislatures will cease to be RED and BLUE, but will instead be RED, WHITE AND BLUE, together, as a nation, once more. Steel poles, Attention!  HUT! One, two, three, four. As simple as that.

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