Thursday, November 12, 2020


      It has long been known and acknowledged that Trump is, and always has been, a conman. He is always looking for one way or another to put the kibosh on someone else, to play that long game so that he comes out as a "winner", at least in his own benighted and twisted mind. That is bad enough in business, but when this long con is being perpetrated upon an entire country, a former leader of the world, on an entire nation, then brother, have we trouble right here in American cities! And states! And the entire existence of the nation.

Bitter irony indeed from those who refuse to see the truth, who refuse to admit - or worse, do admit - what Trump has done and is doing to us, and continue to back him. They deny his efforts are suborning treason. They deny that his plans are anti Constitutional. They deny that he is attacking democracy at its very core - the trust the electorate must - MUST - have in the process and outcome.

But with his every damned tweet, with his every damned statement and action or lack of action, this man is endangering the very security of our nation. Our enemies, who have been coddled by Trump, are proceeding to outrageous actions in Hong Kong and in the former Russian neighborhoods of Europe. They fear nothing now, and why should they?

This man is packing the crowds with loyalists. Anyone hear the refrain of the Russian commissars and political officers? Anyone hear the refrain of Heil Hitler, adjusted to Heil Donald, as he takes steps compatible and favorable to authoritarian heads of state. The same behaviors that petty dictators, and now even former SSRs, have been seeing of late. Elections and their legal outcome appear to be passe. If one does not get what one wants, then one simply demands and takes. Simple. Easy. And totally undemocratic.

So why is it that so many are blind to the truth? Why is it that so many refuse to see that he is packing the apparatus of government with loyalists? Appointing not the qualified, but chasing those out, and appointing those who will do his bidding, illegal as it will be. The truth? The man is plotting a coup. Yes, he is trying to negate the Electors and the choices, seemingly thinking that is legal, though actually not, and certainly as far away from moral as one can get. But if that does not work, well then, COUP! Right here in America. The army called out, told, ordered, to shoot their neighbors, officers to order and command their men to shred the Constitution and law via their actions, to "obey orders".

The world has been there, done that already. Time and again and I am sure more is awaiting us in the future as it seems mankind never learns, is doomed to repeat their own actions, refusing to see the truth as is, but rather the truth as they make it up. Creating their own realities, their own justifications, their own rules. So what is next? Cages for all of us? Cages for those who speak out? Disappearances a la the dictatorial nations of the world? Black holding cells or prison sites, as they deem it? More moronic "science" to kill us, even as the CDC finally states openly what has long been known - wearing a mask protects YOU as well as others. Duh!! Rocket science that is not, but plain common sense. Is that why Republican and Trump supporters could not literally see past their noses on COVID? Not even as we go through a disastrous third wave worse than ever.

The long con. Begun way before 2016, seeded in the roots of his childhood and family dysfunction, bulwarked by his ugly business tactics, it has blossomed and bloomed today into the takeover of this country. Think I just jumped the shark? Some thought that before, but here we are, with a deranged man heading the government, hulking around in his obese body, tweeting insanely, yet very shrewdly managing to turn this country into a huge misshapen pretzel, all the better to institute his takeover. "Legally' or otherwise. Shredding the very democracy he has conned others into thinking he is protecting. How dictatorial!!! How special!

Joe Biden is President-elect. The facts are the facts and all the evil fairy tales made up do not overturn that fact. Wanting to win does not necessarily get transferred into the act of winning. Law and procedures, processes, are to be followed. Law is the name of the game, not the long con game, but the game of democracy. Twisting the law, subverting the law, is a part of the long con, with the major grifter, the man of no morals, surrounded by his intimidated and cowardly hordes of GOP members, of the insanely fueled and believing mobs, of people who think this bizarre man, this liar of riches he actually might not have, will actually better their situation!!! So contrary to the truth.

A lovely man asked me now that Biden won if I can sleep once more. The answer is actually no, I cannot, for we are not safe in our beds, are we? We are not safe in the outcome of the election, are we? We can envision a Civil War II breaking out, the WH on fire as it is the center of a battle between troops defending the ousted man and troops attacking, those willing to protect the nation as it should be, and those wishing to introduce dictatorship within this former great country.

We essentially are now in a leadership vacuum. Instead of ending his term on a high note, standing as a leader in our time of crisis, a time when a virus is killing us off at ever increasing rates, when way over ten million have been infected, when over a 1,000 people are dying each day, and that is expected to grow at exponential rates, when our first responders are once again overwhelmed, why is that supposed to be leader sitting there, silent, as usual, in this very great danger to us all? Why? Because he is simply unable and unwilling to pay attention to the needs of others and condemns them all to their fates as he plays the long game, the long con.

MAGA? Absolutely not. In fact, he has made America very small, a farce, a blip, a fart in the history of the world. Crude, but the truth, for we have become a bad smell in the nostrils of the world, a cyst in the lungs of the world.

Time to wake up, to see reality as it is and fight this man and his efforts, destroy those wiling to destroy us. The only alternatives are not great. One is to agree to succumb to this man's plans, to forgo all that America has been and needs to be to the world, to forsake the future of our children. The other is to engage in a resulting blood y war as Americans fight Americans. As the world watches, tsks, tsks away, returns to their own business, for we have become almost irrelevant, and the globe continues to spin its axis.

Who is playing the long game here? And why? People, wake up to the truth. Demand justice. Demand action. Demand that the elected representatives of this nation remember their oaths, grow spines ands balls, literally or figuratively, and do their job. Get rid of this man,. Make sure he is out of the WH on Jan. 2, 2021, in pajamas or suit, but out. Permanently. Be Americans, for G-d's sake!!

Up to us, folks. No other path left. Speak out. Speak up. Shout out. or worse will follow. Long cons are not good for the conned. that is a fact. Face it and act accordingly.

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