Monday, November 16, 2020


     If you have never participated in the act of digging a well, seeking water, seeking a path to life, well, then, you need to reconsider your life and the efforts within it. You need to reconsider your goals. You need to reconsider your priorities and you need to reconsider the seriousness with which you approach life.

Last night, Tyler Perry accepted an award from People's Choice Award and during the acceptance speech he spoke of a conversation with an engineer re digging wells, the purpose of it, the efforts for it, the necessity of that digging all the time, every time. And he is so right.

Nothing good comes easy in life. Much never comes as the outcome of a first effort. But if it is important to us, if we have the stick to it trait so necessary for success in attaining goals, in climbing over and around obstacles, then, as Con Ed says, "Dig we must!" And dig we have done these past four years as we tried to dig a new well of democracy, a new well with the sustaining power of aiding in the cause - the pushback against growing threads and spools and skeins of fascism, racism, denial of democracy and reality that were growing apace in our country.

Some of those efforts, too many of them, were dry holes. It seemed we would never hit that water. It seemed as if democracy had run dry in this country and defeatism ran rampant through the anti Trumpian crowd. It seemed his dementia would never be apparent to the willfully blind and deaf,  accepted and even encouraged by those who benefited from it at a major cost to the country,  its its residents, and the future. 

However, there were enough well diggers around to keep the effort, the digging, ongoing, and on Election Day we won that hard fought dig at the difficult well site. The water began to appear, first as a slight glimmer and then, as it grew in depth and clarity we saw a new path to the future, a successful dig for a well indeed. But never doubt that we must keep our sleeves rolled up, our shovels at hand, our determination at a high point, if we are to defray the efforts of those troglodyte forces of a demented man and his enablers as they try to fill in that well and deny any other well sites.

The attempts to deny a reality as clear as day, the attempts to suborn treason from the hordes and yes, treason it is, as it is blatantly an attempt to overthrow the government, to foist a coup upon the nation and the world, upon the present and future, such as it would be. The digging is not yet over; there are attempts to cave it in, and we must be ever on our guard, on alert status, but then again, nothing good ever came through the easy paths, has it. The difficulty is well worth the positive results. And perhaps now we will have the ability to turn our attention to the criminally neglected fight against the virus by the Trump administration. Quite frankly, accessory both before and after the fact is the least of the crimes they are guilty of.

Nor is this digging of wells limited to the national level. Right here at the Village we must concentrate our efforts on new sites. Our wells have run dry. Our inspiration, our leads to new well sites, ready for digging, are limited and tamped down at every turn by our own Trumpian copy, David Israel and his henchmen, those who continue to allow him, to follow him, from well site to well site, drying out the life giving waters, all the better to keep the Village under his ruinous thumbs.

But we do have a chance. We have returning well diggers,  such as Ed Grossman , who has long maintained an ongoing dig and is now fighting to re-dig, reopen the wells, as he uncovers the wrongs of the David Israel administration, even as the spoilsports try to block him at every point.

We have returned veteran well digger, Olga Wolkenstein, running for VP, as she too does not give up and at great sacrifice to her life, is waving that shovel high in the air and then deep into the ground. The rotten earth of the present UCO officers must go, the good and hard working kept and the rest, trashed on the heap of the rest of the spoiled earth. Let the waters come through clear and blue. 

We need to add fresh shovel wielders, new faces, new residents, old veterans, all willing and able to improve our situation here. It is dire. Will we sell our souls again as we did in 2000? Will we allow WPRF to run rampant against us, the residents? Or will we demand and insist upon our rights, live a safe, financially feasible life? The choice is upon us. The well can either be uncovered or resealed. We know which is the better choice.

I call upon all here who recognize the truth to send in your biographies to the Reporter, that propaganda rag for the current administration. Do it now. Register to run for Executive Board. Register to run for office. Swamp them. Swamp the current inadequate UCO. Let us do right for ourselves and for the Village at large. It can be done. It must be done. Dig We Must!


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