Friday, November 20, 2020


      I believe the first time I heard the word fathom was when I read Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. It referred to the depths of the Mississippi and the implied or understood safety of the riverboat as it proceeded on its varied routes and assignments. To fathom then eventually became a word with a secondary and then primary definition, one meaning understanding of something that occurred or was said or a result of something else.

To fathom today's political atmosphere is almost impossible. Biden stated that he cannot fathom the motivations behind Trump's behavior, accompanied by an extremely troubled and sad face. The irresponsibility of Trump is dangerous to democracy, to our reputation, and how can one begin to fathom the twisted motivations behind Trump and the GOP.

Ball-less and spineless, the GOP refuses to stand up for the American people. Ball-less and spineless, the GOP, from top to bottom, allow that deranged man and his deranged henchmen to bamboozle the American people into a dangerous corner, one where there is no exit out available. By questioning the results of this election to the point of absurdity, the same elections that gave them their own victories, by doing that, the GOP is undermining the basic foundational principle of this country. It almost makes no never mind if they even stop today, for the damage, the incitement of mistrust, distrust, all undermine the whole theory of democracy and its survivability in our crazy world.

To hear Giuliani rant for an hour and a half, rambling all over the place, it is hard to believe that he was even given time to be heard. I believe the man suffers from debilitating brain damage resulting from exposure to chemicals from 9/11. And yet, he and his mentally severely damaged partner in crime continue on, even as people cannot fathom his end goal.

Yet I find it simple, glaringly obvious, to fathom the end goal. He wishes to totally subvert democracy as it has lost its place in his life. That democracy would turf him out of office, an action deeply to be desired and legally must happen. However, a great big however, this man, this Deranged, Demented One, wishes to indulge his miserable, dangerous behavior, have the continued ability to play golf on our dime, pal up with his BFFs, damage this country to the extreme, all the while retaining the power of the office so as to further intimidate and destroy all in his path. Fathoming of him is tragic, but easy. The fathoming of the motivations of the GOP and the deluded masses - well, that is difficult. It is mass hysteria, a mass illusion, a falling under an evil spell, the same as the Hitlerian crowds did.

So fathom this my friends. If we do not stop being Pollyanna-like in our thinking, trusting to the law to defeat this blatant attempt at a coup, then we are lost. This man and his supporters have neither care nor concern at all for the law, for legality, for morality. Pshaw!!They will do what they must, be it raising issues of a "national conspiracy", or twisted people, of a Democratic hoax over an entire nation, or whatever suits him, legal or not - LEGAL OR NOT - to gain permanent , yes PERMANENT - control over the office of President and over the entire country, never ever to return to democracy. Instead he wishes to establish his own Trump dynasty and so egotistical are his offspring that they believe this can be, in reality. Trump has openly mused about this and what he muses, he chases in reality, and never mind the damage, the lack of sense, the inimical attacks on democracy, which he swore, took an oath, to protect. Bah! Humbug!

We need to take his attempts to suborn the illegal overturning and denial of certification seriously. We need to stop them in their tracks We need, in actuality and in all truth, to take this man down for he is truly not capable of remaining in office for one more minute. The damage he is doing is increasing exponentially and we must realize this and act on its truth.

At times we must turn to the darkest parts of our minds and heart to discern the truth, the ugliness of others and their actions and desires, their dastardly goals. Be it nationally, statewide or local, the motivations are the same and the fathoming the same as well. David Israel is as bad as Trump in his own limited way. He cannot call on a mythical conspiracy of national dimensions, but he can gin up a conspiracy to defeat him, remove him and his accomplices from office. But there is no conspiracy, only individuals who wish to safeguard this Village, to insure its continuity, keep it as a going concern for all of us living here.

Yes, fathoming the motivations of others, or realizing that there is no sane motivation there, but knowing the goals are evil, that is easy. The difficulty lies in us understanding that the unthinkable is actually quite thinkable! It can happen here, will happen here, if we are not alert to the threat, if we do not fathom the actuality of the dangers awaiting us.

Time for us to rise up, using their own terms right back at them. Time for us to demand that our sham representatives in DC act nobly, grow balls and spines, stop their sniveling behavior and concede, allow Biden todo his job, to insure our security as a nation, to try to save as many as he can from the virus. The vaccine will not be available for quite some months and then in limited quantities. The present administration has no clue whatsoever as to distributional difficulties, of viability of the vaccines as it is distributed to sites. Has David Israel reached out to anyone in government to offer cooperation of the Village as a whole in this project? Doubt it! Highly.

We are alone and if we do not act, be proactive, well, bend over and kiss that piece of anatomy goodbye; get it ready for a good swift kick in the pants as we reap the woes of our actions or lack thereof. Fathoming that is not difficult at all. Is it.

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