Thursday, November 19, 2020


       According to the old refrain, a quarter held a promise of a shave and a haircut. Well, that has certainly not held to the fast and true, has it? Neither has, unfortunately, too much of what is going on in the world today. Primary proof of the pudding of the devaluation of the quarter? Well, it used to be that for the most part, at least in the beginning, that our best and brightest went into public service, became our political and national leaders. However, when that began to fade well, take a look around.

Today, we do not even have half wits running the show. It appears to be a fact that quarter brains are much more prevalent and there is even worse behind that. Seemingly the size of a politician's brain, the thinking and operational part, shrinks in direct relationship to ability to discern truths, distinguish that from lies, and proceed accordingly. 

Thus, what have we? We have Matt Goetz from my state of Florida who thinks that it is a marvelous idea to have Operation Warp Speed people count the votes in Georgia. Yup. I kid you not. Perhaps they have more fingers and toes to count on? And certainly, Pence, who is supposed to be Chairman though hardly ever bothering to show up for meetings, is thus in charge? Oh, yes, quarter brain is too high an estimate!

Need more examples of the quarter brains running the show? Graham, who made a 180 degree turn, from opponent to sickening lackey, of Trump, now is facing charges for interfering with officials of the recount in Georgia, his own GOP people. Could not happen to a more worthy fella! Then he is joined by the elder statesmen of the Senate and House as they face positive diagnoses of COVID and still they and their fellow quarter wits refuse to wear masks, as the governor of South Dakota fights restrictions even as her state of South Dakota is ravaged by the virus. Quarter brains? Nah! Think I was too generous here!

But these semi witless brains are allowing themselves to be used by people behind the curtain, people planning much more nefarious deeds. The question people keep asking today is if there is any legal way or path for Trump to remain in office. The very fact that they are asking this question is disturbing. Never before has this happened. Certainly not to the degree of bringing one flawed and frivolous lawsuit after another and being thrown out of the courtrooms by angry judges.

Personally, perhaps being paranoid, I believe there is far more to this than the rantings and ravings of a deranged man. There are too many extremists running around for my taste. There is too much interference from foreign countries, former enemies, remaining so, even as Trump buddied up to them. And here is where the danger is. Can there be a plan, or several plans, of illegal attempts, of plans to stage a coup, a military takeover of the country somewhere around Jan. 20, 2021? The chief people who could enable this are replacing people who would not sanction this. The replacements are all Fanatic Trump loyalists. So.......

I truly hope I am jumping the shark here, I really do, but all the insanity I wrote about has come  true. The situation is ripe for military use and we have seen an example of that already. It can be done. The question is, will it be done, will it be attempted and what would those soldiers do with those orders ?What would their officers do? And how would the people react. We already had blood in the streets, incipient strikes of the flint against stone, possibly sparking Civil War II. Are there any more sparks where that came from? You answer that. You know my answer.

There is even worse usage and representation of the term quarter. We have hit, surpassed, the awful record of over a quarter of a million deaths from COVID. We are now facing another quarter, or close to it, perhaps even more, prior to Inauguration, especially if Trump continues to care less re deaths of Americans, continues to praise that stupid woman who refuses to ascertain what is certified and true - Joseph Biden, Jr. is going to be the next President of the United States. All attempts to delay and deny, all attempts that cause more deaths, should result in charges against her and her boss, among the many charges for all the other wrongs already in his in basket!

While on the topic of quarter brains, we apparently have many residents in the UCO office, thinking they can pull the wool over the eyes of all the residents all the time. Now, two days after Nov. 17, David boasts of putting a Special Operations meeting on Live in Cyberspace! Whoopeee! That is called ZOOM. Yup. The man has discovered ZOOM albeit not in enough time to allow for participation and questions in real live time. So budget, spending, priorities, all else, ripped out of the residents' control and kept in his hot little hand, along with his lackeys. Sickening! Not even a quarter of the way on the path of right and correct. 

So, quarters indeed. I believe we need to upgrade all over this country, to at least the silver dollars of old, of people willing to put in the time to serve others, to work for country, for home, for the betterment of others. For life.

Quarters indeed. Silver dollars? Oh, yes. 

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