Wednesday, November 18, 2020


      The circle of life - or is it the circle of death? Whatever one wishes to call it, it is there. More and more residents of states that had escaped earlier pandemic surges, are now suffering, greatly, from increased numbers of infections and deaths. Their governors, who had previously kowtowed, much to their residents' misfortune, given in to Trump et al and their greatly flawed behavior and tantrums, are now instituting the same restrictions and mask laws that they had scorned before, all a Democratic hoax. How sad for all that the truth of it all, no hoax, and their false accusations, has returned full circle, biting them in their collective asses.

Forgive me if I take some joy in that, though I wish it had not come as a result of so many more casualties. Would that it had come about as a result of common sense, as a result of functioning brains, as a result of clear thinking and recognition of the true state of a greatly benighted and demented man they all followed slavishly.

But the numbers speak the truth and where these numbers will finally call a halt is in the air. Will the vaccines prove good for all? Will we have to experiment, have people die, until we do figure that out? How do we distribute? How do we establish priorities? How do we insure safe delivery what with the requirements for frigid temperatures, and short life spans of the doses? 

How do we do this all what with that man still blocking transitional talks and planning, too busy and/or uncaring to attend meetings re COVID, too busy with playing daily rounds of golf to tend to his much put upon flocks of remaining believers. I cannot understand how there remains any loyalty to this man who had only one goal in all this time - to improve his bottom line, playing golf and having the government pay for that at his clubs, to avoid prosecution, at least for a while, and show one and all who is the boss! How unfortunate for him that the truth prevails and consequences, however delayed, however much overlooked by Biden in the quest to reestablish national unity, however much of that, there are still bottom lines he must meet. I so cheerfully await that day! Mea culpa, but I am human and the damage he has done must be accounted for, paid for, a lesson taught and a lesson learned.

I believe, that given the chance, given a returned recognition and realization that so many have been under a dangerous delusion these past five years of campaign and ensuing madness, given the chance, Biden can be a great president. Not a noisy one, not a charismatic one, but a quietly efficient and thoughtful man who will not please all, particularly those with one major issue, but will smooth the troubled waters of the nation, clear the air, protect the land, attack COVID on all its fronts, reestablish connections to our allies, and just plain serve the people. Period. That is exactly what we need right now and hopefully, the people of the nation will follow, returning to sanity, ignoring the harsh and nasty calls of the extremists on all sides. We need calm now, so badly, so much.

And while we need calm, and constructive behavior, it is only as a result of determined efforts that we will reach that point. In the nation and here in CV. We must work together, demand together, see the right together, as we work to fix the ills of the Village, to remedy the crises waiting just offstage, and those present and active right now. We need to find that true leader, a president without an ego that demands all kowtow to him/her. 

We need someone who will recognize that the Village is the needy one right now and if we desert it, run away from our responsibilities, then we will be shooting ourselves and our heirs in their collective feet. David Israel is not the leader we need now. In fact, whatever good he might have done or might have meant, it is now all abrogated by the damage he has done and caused over the past few years and the damage he has caused us, by inappropriate actions and inaction, to suffer  in the future.

Time to roll with Biden. Time to learn the bitter lessons of the Trump years, how quickly people succumb to a Hitlerian personality, willing to lose touch with the truth. We need to move forward here in  the Village as well. We need to hear the truths spoken of by Ed Grossman. We need to vote Olga into office as VP, a willing and knowledgeable and devoted resident. We need to run for Executive Board in numbers that will ensure us a majority, a squelching of the dead from the neck up yesmen of David. We need new officers. We need to appoint a new editor to the Rag, once a proud piece of journalism known as the Reporter. We need it to speak out and truthfully, not be a shill for the David Israel faction. We need so much and must begin with running for office.

I have just read the book by John Connolly, The Dirty South, well written, a prequel to the Charlie Parker novels of Connolly. The lesson is there, the one we must learn. The past is with us. The past affects the future. There are no lines drawn under something and then forgotten about. The truth leaks, always, the consequences of misdeeds are there, always will show up and there is often little control as to when or how or where. The best thing to do? Do the right thing in the first place. So, too, must we.


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