Tuesday, December 15, 2020


      Today is different. Today is not a day wherein I write of the attacks o our democracy, our integrity, or indeed anything national, international, local or otherwise. Nope, today is something different and in honor, written out of love and admiration for a most very important person.

Who is that person, you ask? Simple: She is my sister. My big sister. My ''elderly" sister, as I tease her. Five years older than me - oops, four and a half, as she so very carefully and often reminds me - she has always been there in my life.

With infinite patience when played with me. We spent hours on the floor of the house playing jacks. We spent hours together in our room - yes, we shared a room until she married - and I am ever the better for that. I know all the oldies that were before the years I became interested and why? Because she played them on our radio, thus giving me years of pleasure not only then, but into the future, as I sit at concerts, as we share memories, as I sing along with the radio and my new friend - Alexa. Always, I was there,  going to the movies with her and her friends, becoming a part of them, all as nice to me as she was. Yes, a sister is a great sibling to have.

It is especially great to have an older sister, for there is much to follow, to model. She is and was, always, a good girl, and I can remember only  one time when she played a prank in school. Yet she was always in the midst of everything, always with friends and I was so proud of my big sister. I admired her as she went to youth group on Saturday afternoon, singing, dancing, laughing, smiling. My goal was to be her as I grew up. And vicariously, through her, I went through high school with her, singing the songs of their teams at competitions, knowing the teachers better than I knew mine. I even underwent the throes of puppy love before I knew what that meant, as I followed along in the lives, crushes and dating history of her friends. Who needed soap operas? Real life was far more interesting. Ah, those innocent times.

Most of all, as a mentor, as a model, as a friend, as a sister, there was no one better - and still is not. And as she grew in that role, so too did I. I watched from the side as she developed into a wonderful teacher, became a significant member of school life, had the courage and presence to support a teachers' union in the school against all pressure not to. Best of all, as a young aunt, and then a mother myself, I was privileged to share her children with her, to engage in the joy of being an aunt, something she reciprocated with my kids, even unto the point of some shocks! (Wanna' see the flowies...")

Admiringly, I watched as she bravely battled a harsh case of acne, and beat it. I watched her faithfully put on her "marsman" headgear every night. I watched her study, conquering the sometimes weird demands and expectations of teachers. I watched admiringly as you lived your wonderful relationship with Zaydie, so special. I watched as you were welcomed into the homes and families of my children, a favorite aunt. And, I also remember, dear sister, how when we shared a bed for a "sleepover", you either kicked me to the wall - literally - or to the floor - literally. I think I still have the bruises! 

As life went on, we remained close, and today, despite her living with her wonderful husband far away, in Israel, we speak every day, sometimes more than once. I miss her physical presence, but perhaps with this pandemic under control hopefully in the very near future, perhaps she will be able to return for a few months. I await that time impatiently, even as I admire her courage fighting a battle with a vicious ailment, beating it down, and as we say, - to a hundred and twenty - Tzip. May you always be there for me, as I selfishly wish and hope, and I also hope that I will be there for you, me and Gerry, together, with our sister.

Happy Birthday and so many more, healthy and happy ones. There is so much to live for, to see, to share, so take care, enjoy the day, laugh, smile, be the wonderful role model you were, and are, my big - elderly - sister. I love you. As do so many others.

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