Sunday, December 20, 2020


      The game of life. Except it is not a game. If a player goes bankrupt in Monopoly, or loses at the game of Life, or runs afoul of some creature, avatar or whatever, in an online game, no foul, no problems. Just start up again and all is well or pack it up for now and continue on without a problem. But life is not a game wherein we can erase the board or press delete without any consequences, or even not having that option at all, not even a tad.

Unfortunately, we seem to be having a losing game of Rubik's Cube as our guiding manual for life. The politicians and presumed leaders of the country are playing at life with more turns and twists, more different sides than a Rubik's Cube possesses. And they are all no good. These supposedly mature people rant and rave at each other like a bunch of spoiled brats and nothing gets done. Nothing happens other than more threats, more bombast and hot air, and more  people sinking into economic desperation, the likes of which have not been seen here for many, many decades, at least for the majority of the population.

It appears that the Rubik's Cube in their possession is broken beyond repair, yet they fail to either recognize or accept that fact. What we do have, though, is a number of these losers moving off into a game of Chicken, this time not with cars, not with hot rods, but with words and threats that have terrible existential consequences. They shoot off their mouths, enable completely off the wall people to spout theories and advice that do not verge on the edge of treason, but are actually treasonous. They threaten and provide for the overthrow of this government, of any government of this country other than Trump or family member. And towards financing that foul dream, that broken and dangerous game, they have raised and siphoned off hundreds of millions of dollars to finance this nightmare for the people of America, for the fate of the world. There will be no twisting and resetting the sides of the Cube here.

Sidney Powell, an apparent escapee from some ward somewhere, a fitting companion to the one who made the Oval Office into an outpatient ward for the insane, met with Trump Friday night at the WH. The man who has abdicated his Presidency before his term was up, other than to rant and rave, scream and threaten, found time to meet with this lunatic and plan ways in which to overthrow the government, refute the truth of the election, turn to military control of the country, of raids on the machines, of the military running and overseeing new elections in six states - guess which ones- and well, folks, that would be all she wrote. For all of us.

Guess who else came to dinner that night. Michael Flynn - yes, that pardoned crook. Advice by Meadows. Kemp, who apparently appears to have a streak of masochism running long and deep, replacing any kind of spine, as he takes his daughter to the polluted home of the man who has made him into a punching bag. Sure, and that will set a wonderful example for his kids and others. All those non thinking, brainwashed people out there who believe in ghosts and goblins and unreal conspiracy plots!

These conspiracists are not picking up their own marbles and going home, but instead are picking up OUR marbles, our gloves and games, and barring us from our own homes. They are traitors. Pure, plain and simple. It is time we stand up and say and speak the truth. No edging around , no euphemisms, but the plain and simple and  clear truth. They are traitors. Period!!

 Clearly, there is no existing with them as they threaten our very country. There is, in fact, no living with them at all, and the numbers speak for themselves. They broke the rules of the game, ignored it when it pleased them, lied about it, fudged the numbers and, well, lookee here. Over 17 million infected and the numbers rising catastrophically every day. Over 315,000 dead and remember when that dangerous asshole said only two were infected and maybe they, and they alone would die? Well, that is long gone, is it not!! 

Lies and evasions about the vaccines. Lies and evasions about its availability in enough quantity. Lies and evasions about its supposed plan and program. And meanwhile, while the sane of us remain hunkered down again, while California is shut down again, as a terrible surge hits it, as London is hit with a new  form of the virus, what are we doing about it as a government? Nada. Zilch. Effes (zero in Hebrew). Nothing that will matter, for we continue to resist the truth, the harsh truth, the real rules of the game, and in fact, the truth, that this is not a game of Rubik's Cube where we can undo the wrong twists and turns, redo the whole thing, as many times as we want. 

It is, in fact, a matter of life and death and too many are losing, too many are dying, too many are moving, falling, with no safety net, into desperate situations, homeless, hungry, starving, hopeless, and all the while the politicians, particularly the GOP, like Johnson, Paul and others of that ilk, who plan to invoke chaos on January 6, who quite possibly see nothing wrong in a military takeover, all the while they continue their last desperate and dangerous steps to kill off this country,, to take revenge for supposed wrongdoings, to play the games with their own dangerous and illegal rules. Who talks of a scorched earth policy against their own citizens and country other than traitors?

Well, this is not a game. This is real life. This is real hunger. This is real desperation. This is real children dying, losing a future life. This is real. These are real holes left in the lives and hearts of people. These are real people disappearing off the face of the earth, and in less than a year, with no end in sight for the foreseeable future. To be told well, maybe late summer, late fall, maybe never - well, new rules, sane rules, rules of truth telling, of sanity in planning, of loyalty to our country - that is the game we are in and the game rules we need. Enough of the revenge taking, the 'sweetness' they perceive in their dangerous plans and actions.

There is an old Irish proverb which goes like this - "It is sweet to drink but bitter to pay for." - and how fitting. How much they need to read this and absorb. How much we all need to read and think. There are no winners at this broken game and bad rules game we are enmeshed in, up to our necks and indeed, over our heads. There is no way out other than to reboot, admit and face our errors, speak the truth and do the right things. All the time.

And throw away that broken Cube and ditch the life threatening rules. That is the only path. The only way, or we will go down for the third time. No coming back from that. Certainly not in any recognizable way. Bitter to pay for indeed.

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