Wednesday, February 3, 2021


     It has often been stated one way or another, that we can choose our friends, but not our families, as we are born into others. However, I beg to differ greatly with that. Yes, we are born into one family, but can, and do, choose many of the other families throughout the rest of our lives and how fortunate is that.

Moving to Florida all those many years ago, gave entry to so many new groups, some of which became new families, new stars in the firmaments of our new lives. Many have changed over the years as needs and realities changed, and many have deepened. I would like to briefly return to  one, the family of Florida Movement. This is the family into which I was accepted with open and loving arms, through one crisis after another.

Of late,  my life has found itself on some stormy seas. Wonderful friends have not just stood by, but have done what they felt necessary. They have pushed through, even as I pushed back.

Embarrassed by the downturn of life, of skills lost, of abilities, physical ones, gone, via injuries, one on the heels of another , and by pain, debilitating and constant pain, deep pain, I turned away, hiding. Conspiring with Gerry, I was shanghaied, returning to a family not born into, but surely as loving and caring a family as one could ever wish for - or deserve.

Yesterday, in an hour of tears and laughter, of pain and progress, of promises and laughter, of threats - and counterthreats, my watch was reset.

I do not wish upon anyone what we have been dealing with, but should  you ever do, my families, natural and acquired, have been right there. And Florida Movement,  without splashing your names around, know of whom I write, upon whom I lean, who make me curse and push through  and do this for all of us.

Thank you is not enough, but the unspoken carries within it far more,

So, thank you and......................


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