Friday, February 12, 2021


  "But He that sits and rules above the clouds

Doth hear and see the prayers of the just,

And will revenge the blood of the innocents

That Guise hath slain by treason of his heart, 

And brought by murder to their timeless ends."

Christopher Marlowe The Massacre at Paris (1595)

     Written long ago, commemorating yet another brutal and bloody massacre in France, between Catholics and Huguenots (Protestants), we can easily ascribe these words to the rebellion of Jan. 6, 2021 and insurrection it was indeed, not a 'riot'. It was brutal. It was bloody. And neither had anything to truly do with it at all. Both had far more to do with politics and power than religion or supposed freedom and rights. Both resulted in deaths and injuries and in shocks to the 'system' of long term duration. And both left us with the uncomfortable feeling that only the One Above can redress the wrongs, right the structures of the world again.

But why? When His creations, mankind, have blown all the provided gifts, turned to savagery,  embarked on seemingly determined efforts to destroy the world and its inhabitants, why do we think we have the expectation or the hope of divine interference? We most definitely do not. Hence, the anger and hence the mourning.

Simply watching those videos, feeling the fear, the blood hungry rages, the mob psychology and the direct line between Trump and the rioters, the obvious and trained leaders who directed that mob, coolly and calmly, knowing what they were doing - well, anger, fierce anger and deep mourning.

Yet the anger is even stronger when seeing, hearing, reading of the cynical and cold comments and oh, Lord, they know exactly what they do! They claim victimhood, embrace the term, even as they refuse to admit the truth, admit Trump's - and their - participation and complicity in the rebellion. A blatant attempt to disregard the laws, the election, the savage and the deluded, and the guilty GOP collided -and they now hide oh so righteously behind a 'constitutional" issue. Bah! HUMBUG!

The anger is all pervasive. It is acidic and its causes continue. The creep will claim vindication. The cowards will wring their hands and weep alligator tears even as they celebrate a 'victory,' an endorsement and encouragement of violence and revolution. And we, well, we are left with our cups overflowing with anger, with wonder as to why that man survived a bad case of the virus as so many others. good people, died.

We died. We cried. We watch, burning with anger as the patently biased and partisan 'jurors' come to 'court' with their decision intact. We grieve deeply the deathwatch of our country as GOP Senators Cruz, Graham, and Lee met with Trump's lawyers. What the hell!!!

To emulate Yoda, angry, I am. Sad, I am. Mourning, we all are - or should be.  

"The mind is its own place, and in itself

Can make  Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n.

John Milton Paradise Lost. Book I (1667)

Which do we choose?



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