Sunday, February 14, 2021


      So remarked one Hollywood figure when questioned re the acquittal vote. A matter of time. Till what? For what? Any which way one looks at it, there is an ominous aura about it. Simply explained, though definitely not simple in consequence, is this: a matter of time till the due date, the payment, is reached. A matter of time. Indeed.

Is this to be the guaranteed future of America? Based on the delirious, frightening words of Trump, well, judge for yourself. "Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun," he said. "In the months ahead I have much to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people." If your whole being did not just shudder, well, perhaps you are the lucky one in that you will be able to avoid knowing that we, in our own way, are emulating the Beer Hall Putsch of Hitler, ending with his takeover, along an increasingly violent way of daily life and the disaster of yet another world war. Another disaster, needless, never to have occurred if only, if only, people would have manned and womanned up, spoken up in a timely manner and headed it all off.

But for the most part, then and now, not enough did so. Or they waited till it was useless, or hid behind pathetic excuses, legal nonsense, and even then, when finally admitting something, anything, they refused to admit their complicity, their share of the blame. Too little, too late. Even as a majority voted guilty, most were the cowardly GOP regulars, spineless, ball - less, morally vacuous beings who either agreed with the horrendous philosophy and behavior of Trump, his vision of a dark and painful existence, and/or refused to take on the battle for truth, for educating the "base", those who bashed the Capitol Police, set up a noose, hunted people like prey, rebelled against America, thus maintaining their seats in Congress.

Thus, his plans, his dastardly vision of and for his America. Thus, the most useless words of McConnell - "There is no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day," McConnell said. "The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instruction of their president."

"We knew." So stated a police member. We knew their plans, their armed entries, their numbers, their intents - but did nothing, nowhere near enough. Ominous. Indeed. And now? What do we know now and what are we going to do about this plethora of knowledge? What? Or are we going to stand around, be cowards, refuse to follow all investigations and roads leading to his conviction and jailing? The answer is up to us.

We know. We certainly know the true path. But will we take it? If we do not, well ..... The choice is ours. If we do not make it clear to the GOP, well, take them down and save our country. I am gagging and choking, stunned that we actually admitted his guilt,, yet violated every rule of jury impartiality and let this man go. All Americans need to hang our heads low and cry out in pain and despair at what we have allowed, at what will be the dark future for our kids.

"A distant shore" - another pithy statement. That is where our choices lay. Either shore requires hard swims and efforts to breathe and expend and conserve energies where they to be. We need to fend off all foes, above and below the waters and finally swim ashore - to which one? You tell me.

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