Monday, February 15, 2021


     A deep, empty space within our minds.  How do we fill that void? What replaces all that has filled our every waking moment - and dreams too - for the past five years? But then again, take an inventory of that mind and see if there really is that void. Lo and behold, much to our dismay and utter exhaustion, there it is again. 

That awful real live monster. That dangerous lunatic. That existential threat to our survival, that throwback to Hitler and all the people monsters of history, from Caligula to Stalin and Putin and all the wannabees. This monster will go down as the treasonous president, as the only president of America who went to war against it. And got off scot free - or did he?

Does the heartrending video footage of the hearing have value, any long term value, for he was acquitted. That is the whole sad, dangerous and depressing question, the one that now fills that space within our minds that should have been able to move on.

Obviously guilty. Declared so by GOP representative, one after the other, AFTER they voted to acquit - does it all really matter? There is no removal from office. No ban on future office, though we might be lucky and he will die before that happens. But does it really matter, for there are his slimy progeny, planning runs for office, all to carry on his "magnificent" plan for this country - and G-d help us should that happen. 

So does it really matter. Well, a majority voted guilty. Many others admitted the crime but hid behind a false flag of constitutionality. Even as they voted that it was! And does it really matter that the true fascist tendencies of those such as Graham, Green, Cruz, Rubio and their like are revealed, their true ugliness oozing through their hideous selves. Does it really matter?

Does it really matter that there is no penalty, no consequences? Perhaps the ongoing criminal and civil crime investigations will follow through and groups of twelve honest, true patriots will see the truth.  They will watch the replays of that awful hand to hand combat, like a resurgence of the shield walls of the Vikings and Saxons. They will understand the truth of hunts for victims, the fear in the crowds of legislators, the same ones who acquitted. 

And it will matter. The truth will matter. The penalties will matter. The well deserved tarring of those same GOP members who enabled, encouraged, and cheered on that human monster, who think no one noticed, well - it will matter. It must matter. Else we are lost.

As for me, I am so tired of that man and his great unwashed masses. Still stained are they by the filth they willingly wallowed in. Stained by their complicity in the deaths and wounds. Stinking of views and deeds of hatred and inhumanity. Reeking of treason and support of corruption in government.

Oh, it does matter. It just seems that the wheel of justice is slow to turn. In the meanwhile, we wait, we watch, we demand and we persist. As for that place in the brain needing other occupying concerns, well the Good Lord has been kind enough to fill it. Falls aplenty. Concussion. Compression fracture. Fractured hip. Broken humorous bone in the arm. Unpleasant and extended second shot reaction. And in case I needed more, my fridge broke quite inconveniently and we are now sitting in a HOT apartment as the A/C decided to blow some esoteric motor that will take days to get in.

And, yes, it all matters. Gotta' believe.


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