Tuesday, February 16, 2021


      Such a little word. A baby word, three letters only, running around with big guys. But certainly a word which more than carries its own weight. In fact, rather than using 'but' in the previous sentence I might just as well have inserted 'yet' in its place.

Yet means until. It mean opposition. It also means hope. Yet indicates surprise and in both good and bad formulations. It can indicate a change in plans or, rather, a determination to continue despite all else indicating otherwise.

Having a great deal of disbelief, or perhaps wondering if I went off the tracks sometime this morning? Please. Do not. There is rhyme and reason to it all!

McConnell, that mealy mouthed hypocrite of the hypocritical GOP, made sure to point out and play up his righteousness. Trump has not gotten away with anything - yet. Yet is not that statement a lie from the getgo? Is it not yet so, the very opposite in truths? Yet on we forge, a nation united in confusion and disarray, yet so mistakenly and tragically determined to stay the distance.

Yet we all seem to have become selectively blind and deaf, struck mute. Yet despite McConnell's statement, despite all sense of fair play, of justice, of proper law and order, the man and his ilk have indeed gotten away with it all.

Despite a strong loss at the polls, Trump and evil progeny continue to boast of victory. 'Trumpism', the 'glorious America First' movement will yet soldier on. It appears that there is no natural enemy of this plan - yet. So yet on trudge the masses, those so buoyed up by the planned insurrection, a failure - yet was it? Despite the failure of this most definitely planned rebellion, they continue to believe that there is yet hope, and perhaps they are right. There is, as of yet, no proof of sure success for either. Yet on they go.

Yet  is a prime example of the subtleties of the English language. We try not to get into 'yet' situations, yet it happens. And despite attempts to define its parameters, there is yet often a confusing and unsure interpretation of intent. Yet on we forge. There is, as of yet, no alternative - yet there must be and it must be found promptly. Yet that will not be the case.

As for me, despite all necessity to get going, there is yet within me a need for five more minutes! Which choice will be victorious? Yet to be determined.

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