Wednesday, February 17, 2021


      Such is the level we have reached. I begin to wonder if we will ever consider we have finally plumbed the depths of disgrace and stupidity, or will we forever continue our freefall. 

On the one hand we have a psycho, full fledged, who turns on his former allies with the oh so deeply cunning remark that he has too many chins. Actually, both literally and figuratively, the man is chinless. His chin is nearly not there, and for sure, there is no chin of courage. Be that as it may, I gather we are still  in the Battle of the Kindergarteners with unfortunate consequences.

On the other hand we have a thoroughly nice man who prefers to see the rosiness of all situations. Certainly a positive change from the psycho who preceded him, but not necessarily realistic. He states that, contrary to all that has taken place, "The  nation is not divided. You have fringes on both ends." A lovely, heartwarming thought, but really! That is like buying a rug that is 75% fringe and focusing on the pathetic strip of carpet, ignoring the reality of it all. You know, if wishes were horses.... Still and all, he is certainly the better option.

Unfortunately, though, the fringe has become front and center. The Senator who can carp the most gains points. The more slavishly a GOP member follows the psycho, the more powerful he feels, even as he drains the lifeblood of America, of democracy, and the weaker he actually becomes.

It is truly a frightening world when it is considered to be brave to admit truths, even if these truths are misplaced and mistimed. The man of apparently too chins, according to the psycho, actually displayed too little chin when after voting to acquit, promptly accused the psycho of all the very same misdeeds! And, not to forget, continues his perfect streak of denying any and all complicity and enabling of the psycho and the "fringe" elements in their attempted coup. Chin indeed!

Graham, Johnson, Cruz, Rubio, Hawley et al have all quaffed heartily of the Kool-Aid of the psycho. They have, of their own desires and twisted needs, decided to throw in with the psycho, turn their backs on the American people, becoming our own Quislings. Shame on them and on us and beware the consequences unless we shut them down. Now! We must collectively turn our backs on what they are pushing and relegate them to the discarded dregs of history. Right where they all have earned a place. 

I welcome a true and open investigation. Let it all hang out. Let us do a thorough cleaning, a cleansing of our arteries. Let the truth emerge, for there, in all their true ugliness, will stand  Trump et al, his true believers, the hanger-ons, the power seekers, all those who turned on us, who openly put on the garb of a Benedict Arnold.

The road will be long, rocky, replete with blind curves, icy roads, rockfalls and more, but still and all, eminently doable with the proper determination. We need to heed and follow the words of one very brave young man.

“I always thought, ‘How do I get through this? What do I have to do to overcome this?’ 

That is what we need to do, under good leadership.

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