Thursday, February 18, 2021

WHAT THE ........!!!!

      Anybody out there as confused as I am about life today? Everything seems to have shifted one way or another and old standards and guidelines are being discarded with a venom. People are forced to shift for themselves in life threatening situations.

Here are two examples related to the virus. Normally, or typically, when seeking a vaccine, one goes to the doctor or a health facility and wham! Not anymore. Today we are in the midst of a hide and seek game, trying to discover the correct path to a vaccine. Woe upon one who cannot navigate easily on a computer and the web or who feels out of sorts at the thought of waiting on a virtual line for hours - simply to apply and never mind the drive and the wait for the actual shot. 

Second headscratcher? When one feels ill, one goes to a doctor. Today, with symptoms that can fit most diseases known to man, other than an ingrown toenail, one is banned, a new class of lepers in a new society. So just stay home alone, ill, until finally the ICU is the only thing left, not a great option.

The first question people now ask another is 'did you get the shot?' Second, any side effects? To say goodbye we now bless all with a 'be well and stay safe' closing. Forget ciao! Strange new world.

Here is a new one that I love. I have been told by one of those gene companies that I have more remnant Neanderthal genes than the average person. What does that mean? Who the hell knows; just another interesting little factoid to drop into a conversation. Aha! But today the news is better. Apparently these same genes provide better protection from these newfangled RNA diseases. I knew I was special!

Then we turn to the weather, weird indeed. Dangerous. Texas is freezing. People are dying. The east coast is under the same threat today. Meanwhile, here in south Florida we broil under unseasonably hot and humid weather. What the....!!

More? Civility is dead. Patriotism surely that refuge for fascists once again. Hatred has become fashionable and the idea of untermenschen quite acceptable. A new trend on TV and other media is for Black complaints to take the fore, with well situated characters whinging and whining the most.

 Dang, but of course there are many issues to be addressed, especially in areas of life and death.  Would it not be a better use of energy to keep tabs, alert and educate, and always work for the better. Surely all groups in this world have come under attack, so why not join together in common history and hopes rather than all of us trying to outdo the victimhood scale of comparison. Remember, educate, punish offenders, and let us all make progress together. Sensible, I think, but perhaps it is those Neanderthal remnants speaking! Stranger things have happened.

Trump gives a eulogy on Limbaugh - no great loss there - and, as usual, makes it all about himself. Aha, some things remain the same. So reassuring. Nor does he cease in his efforts to disrupt this entire country, still insisting he won the election. Pathetic indeed. The rump of the GOP should be left alone to snarl over the scraps as the sensible ones with any decency and moral courage should form a new party.

So what the .... is going on? Beats me and beats a whole lot of others as well. Should I join the preppers? Should I prepare for another society? Should I seek a home or a cave? Oh, the questions we ask. The answers we need. The few places to find them. Now, wonder what the trend is in clubs and where to shop for them. What the hey!

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