Friday, February 5, 2021


      This is us. No, not the TV show, but the title itself. An observer from outer space would be scratching head - or heads - in puzzlement. What exactly drove the gears of these people? Why, when just about figured out, did they turn right around and lie their ugly little selves into a wall? Why, and for that matter - how - did they find it possible to lie so blatantly? More head scratching. No answers.

Why is it that a person can lie, incite to riot, to invade in threatening manner - homicidal, actually - and be praised for it? How dare they, yet why not as there apparently is no befitting consequence in sight? How can there be any sense or order here, when the noise is so loud that nothing can be heard above it?

A crock of crap is presented and even as the olfactory sense is insulted, there are others waiting in line to further besmear themselves in this sewage. Why? So power can be retained. So crimes get denied even as people are tripping over their own noses and tongues. And hypocrisy is the virtue of the century in this schizophrenic nation.

A choice between "conservatism and madness". A very clear choice is more accurately laid out,   - The anger has always simply been about me not bending the knee to one guy, " even as the feet of the mob tread right over it. Once again, despite the glaring lights of the truth punching holes in the smothering stink and darkness of falsehood, on march the hypocrites. On come the moral cowards, the sleaze of society and on comes the living death of democracy, and the heaps and piles of denied hopes.

Folks, either we get all this ironed out - and soon - or we might just as well write ourselves off. Truths, consequential behavior, and guiding principles must be upheld or we just jump right in with all our schizophrenic traits overspilling the dam gates of a true, just and positive society. We are running out of time.

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