Thursday, April 1, 2021


 Really? The Trump camp, and its campers, have been described now as real life Lord of the Flies society. Well, it certainly is a fitting comparison, but it does aggravate me as this taints a great book to read and teach and learn from. Not everything must be compared to Trump as that induces almost immediately a Pavlovian reaction which then ruins the purpose of the novel, its role in education and its place in the pantheon of excellent novels. However, it is a good comparison, nevertheless.

 In the meanwhile, we have all the rest of the miserable news. Yet another mass shooting. Yet more grief, confusion and fear at the Chauvin trial, another symbol of American society gone amiss. Further exposures of failures in Trump government, from Fauci now being blamed, quite bizarre, for COVID, to Ivanka's wasteful and pitiful women's initiative program, which went nowhere, unless one counts her worldwide travels on its funds as going somewhere. Quelle surprise that her program was useless, worse than that.

The GOP is planning on running crooks and perverts in many races, particularly for Senate seats in their push to retake control, a dire thought! Gaetz, the creep, whom I have long ago designated as persona non grata in our government, is now revealed as being under investigation for human trafficking and sexual relations with an underage girl. Lovely! But this apparently is the direction and composition of the GOP today. No wonder in that as they continue to back their favorite pervert, Trump, as their leader despite all the allegations and evidence re his crimes, criminality and even treason. Feh!!!!

 In their rush to regain power and maintain that control, the GOP is pushing voting restrictions and voting against any and all humanitarian bills, - and then taking credit for monies flowing into their states and districts under the provisions of said bills. Chowing down on their cake, are they? But they must remember that bills always come due and must be paid for somehow.

 In the meanwhile, business leaders must speak up and out about these attempts to restrict the voting abilities of groups who displease the GOP. Districts are gerrymandered. Difficulties and obstacles to voting are placed in the path of voters who displease the GOP. But will they speak up or will they remain quiet, joining in the long history of big business not only remaining silent on these issues, but even benefitting from them. Will we have a watered down version of big business and fascism once again. Certainly an evil step if that happens and in the meanwhile, kudos to the CEO of Delta for speaking out about this, much to the displeasure of the governor of Georgia, Kemp.

 I will try to ignore the nastiness today, wrong as that might be or actually no might about that, but perhaps selfishly, I mean to maintain the happy days of this holiday and hope all my aggressive wishes will be subsumed by watching the whams and pows of Godzilla and King Kong, surrogates for the battles in the world of humans today. And always, actually.

 After that, a good book to sink into and great conversation and laughter with family and friends and think I will put on my new Daisy Duck shirt in honor of women all over the world, for it was not only Donald or Mickey who increased the fortunes of Disney. All the mommas, aunts, grandmothers, who shlepped the kids to Disney, wiped their mouths from the overpriced ice cream, handled their whining, tired after a day of incredible walking, all of them deserve mention and reward. So do all the women of the world who keep this world going, steadying it after the ruinous activities of men as they jockey for power. Women keep things on as even a keel as possible against all odds and difficulties. Women are usually the ones left behind, battered as weapons of war, victims of aggression, and always the ones holding their dead or dying child, yet another victim of man's stupidity and cupidity. So Daisy Duck it is.

Seriously, we must remember to find joy in life so that we can gather strength to fight the wrongs and maintain humanity. Lord of the Flies? Perhaps. Quite likely, but insensitivity, inhumanity, and other ills of mankind can be challenged and that is the job of all humanity. Hmmm, what are the chances?

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