Wednesday, July 21, 2021


   I kid you not. What a picture that draws in the mind - ugly! But think how ugly the real picture is and what it means to us. It is the catastrophic overgrowth of phytoplankton, smothering all under, around and in it, destroying life in the sea. Its physical appearance? Like the snot one streams from the nose when down with a severe upper respiratory infection. It is ugly in imagination and reality, symbolic of the 'sea snot' that is choking the world we live upon.

Stretching the imagery, we can 'see' in the mind's eye, the sea snot growing in our physical and mental worlds. Additionally, this ugly manifestation of a major ill of the world reflects back into the void of space all coherent thought and talk re pollution. It pollutes our minds as we ignore Siberia on fire, the thawing of the very ground in Alaska, drought draining our water supplies, and catastrophic floods taking the lives and homes of thousands.

This dry land sea snot clogs the cells of our minds. We spout dangerous nonsense, life extinguishing nonsense, and ride with it to our dying days. People who deny COVID, who refuse the vaccine, who are bogged down in the sea snot of very poor thinkers,  dying from it and this, they have brought upon themselves. What is so wrong, is their continual demented efforts to frustrate the  exhaustive measures taken to stop the spread in every manifestation and variants - even as they kill others due to their criminal neglect and stupidity. Furthermore, let us not forget who laid out the welcome mat for it - Trump and his enablers. Even as the biggest sea snot purveyors finally take their own vaccine injections. But not before so many have died because of their stupid mouths, the dangerous sea snot they encouraged, dimming rational thought in so many - even unto death. Even as they scream that the choice was theirs - to live or die. Maybe, but not to doom others caught up in that ever growing blight of sea snot, whose choice of life or death has been severely compromised.

Fresh air has become in short supply; our brains are denied life support, clearly evidenced by actions of great danger and 'wrongness'. A DEA agent flashes his governmental issued badge and gun - as he participates in the attempted coup of Jan. 6. Open fascists spew forth their poison and rant about communists under our beds again. Perhaps the next step will be the drills wherein we ask children to hide beneath their desks when the nuclear bombs are on their way!!! Dumb then and more so now.

There is nothing in the minds and opinions of too many, that can see past their own hubris. In orbit around the earth, our home so endangered by their 'cold' of mind and brain, they do not even look out the window in awe and respect, in understanding of humanity and its precarious situation. No, they prefer to throw Skittles around in yet another manifestation of the refusal of men, in particular, to truly comprehend the gravity of a situation, an existential situation at that! 

How is it possible that we can achieve so much, yet belittle it at the same time? How is it possible that a large percentage of the population can support an alleged criminal who surrounded himself with other criminals and their illegal activities? How and why did so many kowtow to dangerous nonsense, to lose capacity for sanity and clear thinking? Why are so many willing to overlook history, fall for the lies, the "Big Lie", a la Hitler? Where have we discarded our compassion and humanity even as we step over the sleeping bodies stretched out on the sidewalks? 

When did our public servants return to the days of corrupted government, of selfish behavior, of lockstep thought and deed? When did we lose sight of the importance of maintaining a positive environment and surroundings? That our very lives depended on it.

When, how and why have we decided that to stifle democracy, to stomp out care for others, to reward corruption and selfishness, to bring others down to the sea snot rather than clean it up, to lose, oppose, work to destroy the ethos of this country? When did it become okay to demean others as the fray for equal rights moves into final rounds, dangerous rounds? Why must we be so negative? Why do we not reach out to each other, rather than step on each other as we seek to accept the equality of all? It is called sharing and decency.

I do not have the answers. I simply cannot fathom this behavior, this return to full on nastiness, the deliberate attempts to stymie rights for others even as we demand them for ourselves. I just cannot figure out how to cure this 'cold' of America that is drowning us in the sea snot of our minds. Anyone have the answers to these questions? Anyone know how to head all this off at the pass? Anyone seen the Lone Ranger or Robin Hood, or classical dragon slayers, anyone who can solve this  quandary of ours, or even simply to ameliorate much of its induced agonies and wrongs?

Is anyone out there? Anyone? Someone? 


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