It is inevitable that there will be words that raise the hackles, warning people that uh-oh, trouble ahead. Some people then try to turn the conversation in another direction, and that was done many times during the Trump years. It helped keep the peace between friends and family, but did not stop the harm resulting from the thoughts and powerful beliefs that most often were based on nothing but hot air and lies. That corrosive effect continues.
However, there is a hot topic word today which must be discussed, openly, honestly, yet people are frightened at the thought. They might be labeled with what they are not. Or, they might be threatened. Or, people with crude beliefs might use the opportunity to paint themselves into something they are not.
The word - or words? Racism and racist. These words have corrosive tails. Systemic racism. "Kind" racism. Critical Race Theory. Reparations. Apologies. And the flow continues, until most people have no idea anymore what means what, what is true as opposed to not, where they stand and worst of all, are afraid to open their mouths lest they insert feet within.
1 unfair treatment of people of a particular race in a society especially to the benefit of people of another race 2 : the belief that certain races of people are superior to others
Now that you have read official dictionary definitions of racist and racism, are you one? Examine your thoughts, your actions and decide. You cannot? That is the case today for many people. Warning: Some of the words and sentences that follow might offend some. No offense is meant, for this is only meant to be an opening of a frank discussion of where we stand as individuals and as a nation.
Honestly, most, if not all, people contain within themselves some seed of racism. That is easily understood, for people most always, and naturally, favor those they know, what they know, hence, will veer or trend towards the familiar. These feelings are not directed at any one race or another, but could, if encouraged and developed, urged by others, racism could grow.
Was there, is there, racism within this country? Yes. Most emphatically so. Can one group or race be targets of choice? Yes, but one must remember that hatred of one race often comes along with hatred of all differing races. And now you are possibly thinking of racism as White against Black, Asian or Indigenous, or whatever. Yes, you are right, but also wrong. Racism grows the other way as well and that is something that no one of late has voiced.
Examine the language, the internal language, of most groups of people, races, and even sects within the larger groupings. That language always, always, contains words of denigration, contempt, and degradation, particularly when compared to their own race. Perhaps on some deserted island somewhere there is a tribe that has none of this poison within its blood, but I bet not, for people are people, sad, sometimes, to say.
In the musical South Pacific, the young soldier sings to his confused lover how hatred must be taught. Yes, that is so, but the teaching is often implied rather than overt, imbibed by the child along with the air he/she breathes. That is the racism that is most dangerous for it can grow unnoticed even as there are fierce wars against those openly spouting their poison, easily seen and more easily to be despised and opposed. We hope that living with others, being told, taught, that we are all alike even as we are all different is okay, one thing not better than another, will lessen the racism, perhaps for good. Till the aliens come! (Sorry, could not help myself!)
There is something that we must do in this seemingly eternal battle against racism. That is to be fair. That is to concede that others are in the same boat. That is to concede that others might have had it worse. That is to concede that there is racism in ALL races against others and must be open about that. That is to remember that ALL racism must be included, for one cannot pick and choose, omitting those one agrees with! That is to remember to avoid overkill and exaggeration, for that turns people off, often directing them onto the wrong path, or to tire of the topic.
So, honesty is of paramount importance. Racism is to be fought wherever it is to be found, and basically, that is within all races - White, Black, Asian, Indigenous. Clarity is necessary as to what is racism and what not. For example: Alone, on a dark street, and approaching me is a big Black dude wearing a hoodie, oh, yes, I will cross the street, enter a doorway, for I would be frightened. Racism? NO, for here is the corollary. Alone on a dark street and a big White dude wearing a hoodie, approaching, I would cross the street, enter a doorway, for I would be frightened. Substitute any race you wish, for truth is truth and no disguising paint will make it into something it is not.
Actions must be examined with clear glasses and vision. Prejudice is a two way street. Yes, the technology of today has made it easier to uncover dirty cops as they beat on Black people, or protesters they disagree with, but tit for tat, there are those among us who hate law enforcement, though try doing without it. One day, hopefully soon, we will realize truths and their necessity, act upon and with that knowledge we will acknowledge that there are those guilty of racist philosophy, action and teaching within all races.
We will stop the overkill that centers on particular groups. For example? How many people have you heard recently complaining that every single episode on every single show, it seems, is concentrating or mentioning several times, the prejudiced attitude and/or the behavior against a particular group or another. Once, twice, three times, but over and over again, at cost to continuity or even effect, for people tend to turn off and out when displeased or resentful. So common sense here. More effective than other approaches.
Finally, do not exaggerate and head for overkill. This country was not founded on slavery nor built only on the backs of slaves. There were indentured Whites, enslaved Native Americans, Black slaveholders, White abolitionists, immigrants who had never seen a Black person before they arrived, whatever century they came. Chinese overworked railroad builders. Irish and the Erie Canal. Japanese and internment camps. Yes, the contributions of slaves, of Black people to the growth and development of this country has been mostly overlooked and ignored in many areas, but that is changing. We must also remember the contributions of ALL races. Once, we were like that, but not anymore.
We are killing our country. Yes, it has made some terrible mistakes, much of what remains to be corrected, but this country has always made forward progress. We all made and built this country. We all share in its glory and in its errors. However, trying to lay on guilt for others as to their skin tones or birth is just so wrong and counter productive. I, as a Jewish woman of American birth and citizenry, claim no 'white privilege' to be ashamed of as I received none! As for guilt over slavery, well, during the time of slavery, my family and most of Jews in the world, were running, hiding, for their very lives. And yes, I know and recognize that there has been injustice to many groups and races and those injustices must be recognized, spoken about, prevented from future happenings. But we must move on, not perseverate, for if not, we will fall into that ever growing divide and destroy this country, our country, forever.
Enough with the words and actions of hate. Enough with the overstressing that turn people off. A bit of restraint and understanding on all sides is what we need. Acknowledge the wrongs but do not usurp it and acknowledge the progress as well.
Common sense.
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