Monday, August 9, 2021


  And there you have it. Surely you are assured now as to what to do and not to do. Candace Owens, a conservative commentator, says she "trusts her gut" and is "standing firm". These statements are commendable - at the right time. However, at a time when conservative has come to mean life endangering, hair up the rear thinking - or lack thereof, these are eminently life threatening statements, a deathly misleading of the vast crowds of  ignorance out there. 

Sure, she can trust her gut, but why urge others to do so, as they will surely regret that stance when their gut rebels as they are hospitalized with COVID. Surely, they will know their fatal error in listening to her, as they lay dying. Surely, those 6 parishioners at a church in Florida who died from COVID regret their decision to remain unvaccinated. Surely, the church does, evidenced by the holding of a COVID clinic on a following Sunday. A case of too little too late - at least for the six victims of rampant nonsense.

 "Something bad is going on. We’ve got to realize that,”. So states Dr. Fauci regarding the danger to the unvaccinated kids, underage, at this point for vaccination. Unfortunately, these words are applicable to the situation today in the entire country. The Delta variant has broken through to vaccinated; we are almost right back to the beginning. Immunity to it is now at 59%, way down from the 97% first promulgated. So what to do? Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate. The more that are, the more protection there is. Mask, mask, mask. Indulge your imagination with masks, shout out your thoughts, match your clothes, but mask up. Protect the kids and yourself.

There are other "bad" things going on here. Seven hours of testimony that shatter the heart and soul of the listener. Seven hours during which Rosen details how the country was "pushed almost to the point of chaos." Watch those videos of Jan. 6 again and one might understandably believe that we were already there.

Trump tried to break the country’

  Yes. And why do so many deny that. The proof of the rotten blood pudding is there in the open, in action, on words, on tape and live. In the deaths that resulted. In the shattering realization that so many will blindly follow a dictator, enmeshed in his own madness, and lead this country down the road to annihilation, to a place on the heap of discarded countries, of wasted futures. He very nearly reached that goal of shattering; actually, not sure that he did not. Read of the glee with which one conspirator, one active rebel, boasted of his participation in the coup attempt. See and hear his gloating as he presents videos of his actions,  joyfully, perhaps even more so, than one presenting vacation videos.

All the while, the hypocrisy of the GOP continues. DeSantis could care less if teachers and kids die, or bring it back to family members. He will just blame it on Biden, walk hand in hand with Ellis, who now wants to impeach Biden. The gall is amazing. Or you can laugh at Lurch - aka Rick Scott - who tries but fails to explain why the GOP is supposedly anti debt increase, even as under Trump, with their collusion, with their soak the poor, enrich the rich tax cuts, raised the debt by $6.7 trillion to a backbreaking $26.9 at the end of 2020. Oh, yeah!

Facts are facts. The very same facts that GOP and believers refuse to acknowledge. And why? It has only harmed us, as individuals and as Americans, citizens of the nation. 

And here we are again. Fearful. Wishing people once more to: "stay safe". Masking up again, as mask makers are on the nets again.. Questioning if we should go out for brunch. Wondering if the movies are safe (PS: They are so clean they sparkle!) Most major retailers are requiring masks of employees and patrons if unvaccinated, but how does one tell if someone is voicing a blatant lie? How? There is no way, other than cards perhaps, thus, I think we all need to mask up again. ALL of us. And I hate masks as much as anyone, particularly in the Florida heat. But must is as must does. There is no other viable choice. Unless we all vaccinate. Unless we can all get boosters as in Israel and some other countries. Unless...

Trusting guts? Yes, let us do so. Let us accept that the rumbling of guts is unpleasant to the extreme, at times deadly, so ignore 'trust in your guts' until we can be sure your rumbling is merely a tummy ache of every day status. The matching, parallel rumbling of the state, of the country is quite frightening, so why allow a tiny microbe to bring us down. Wise up, people out there, anti vaxxers - what nonsense! The something bad is the decision making to not vaccinate - and then lie about it, raising the rage level of those who are.

Let us all get with the program. Avoid the rumble of guts. Avoid sickness. Avoid death. Crying when a loved one dies in pain does nothing other than drain a body of fluid. Prevention is the way to go. Too little too late is not a good thing.

I trust my gut feeling on this matter. It told me to pursue vaccinations. It told me to mask up, to lay in a goodly supply as this appears to be long time ongoing. It tells me to use common sense and be safe. So should you. Not really so difficult to do.

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