Wednesday, September 1, 2021


  How silly of me. I thought the ubiquitous statement of parting for these past eighteen months would have outgrown its use and necessity. Hopefully we would not have to warn people to remain aware of threats from little bugs, unseen by the naked eye, but which managed to wreak havoc upon its host. We were beating, defeating it. The numbers proved that - until they did not. And now we are back at the beginning. Masked up, unsure of the future, at the possibility of recurring pandemics, how we cope with them, and the effects on our lifestyle. Once again - be safe.

How do we do that. Firms, businesses, offices, medical institutions, all are warning employees to vaccine-up or take a walk. Finally, the realization that non vaccinators are endangering others as well as themselves. It is selfish - even coming from a laudable belief and faith. Not taking advantage of the abilities of modern medicine is imitating the ignorance of unwashed surgeons, unclean instruments ad barber surgeons. It is an act of spurning the gifts of G-d to us rather than taking advantage of them, praising this ability, these gifts of  life saving knowledge. 

Be safe. But can life actually be safe? Particularly during times such as we now have. Be safe when streets become rivers and lakes complete with predatory creatures? Or the forest is turned into a raging inferno? Or a wall of mud buries us? As the ocean becomes our live-in on the first floor? How do we actually be safe, decide it is a possibility when Nature is running amok -mainly due to our own misdeeds and errors?

How can we believe in 'be safe' when the world is an increasingly hostile place. Instead of working with each other, countries are once again turning to destructive philosophies of nationalism, xenophobia, false patriotism, greed, uncaring of the harm caused to others.

How to be safe when preparations of country and state are inadequate, falling far short of even bare minimums? How to be safe when our own legislators are disloyal to the country, refusing to obey the law, refusing the consequences of their own behavior? Traitors they are, as McCarthy threatens companies that co-operate with lawful subpoenas of records, that they must remember, had better remember - that this "will not be forgotten". Safe?

So what do we do? We take the advice of a tried and true statement. We heed Shakespeare, who told us to "screw courage to the sticking point" - do what one must. We heed the Biblical phrase of girding loins, understanding what must be done - and do it!

 To be safe is not easy. It takes the courage of State Department employees who challenge the employment of a rabid anti Semite. It takes the courage of kids who speak up, face down the adults. Safety takes time. It must be built, insured, and have dependable methodology to deal with challenges to that safety. It must not, cannot, hide under "go along with it' attitudes, to be quiet.  Manifestly wrong. A generation of false safety. Worth absolutely nothing.

So be safe. Be wise. Know when to speak up.  Perhaps even defy authority. Know when authority is right, for a change. Follow the advice and rules, inconvenient as they might be, that are meant for our safety. Be brave and bold where called for.  Never be afraid to fight for the right and oppose evil. Then there will be safety.

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