Friday, September 10, 2021


  To be precise, here is the complete statement and to what it refers.  "Are you people trying to start a full on revolt?"  Nice, right? Particularly when verbalized by a Republican Congressman. Not sweet enough for you? Well, match it with this one, by yet another GOP Congressman - "Those businesses should openly rebel against any such rule," and then perhaps even the thickest among us will understand the perilous waters in which we, the USA, are swimming. To nicely round it out, here is the completion of the first statement. "Leave people the hell alone. This is insanity."

Oh, for sure, let people alone. For sure this is most definitely insanity. If one wants to off himself, just let it happen, right? Well, evidently that is clearly the thinking of these people. But even if one were to take that tactic, to emphasize a bizarre interpretation of rights, what about the inherent and well demonstrated danger this deviant behavior exposes others to - leaving them at the point of imminent death. 

Worse, at this point we are dealing with two pandemics. One is COVID with its particularly powerful Delta variant. The second is that this is now attacking our young, those bright faces upon whom we will rely to keep this nation strong, to make a better world for all, to think new thoughts and create new paths. But how can they do that if they are dead? Yes, dead. 

That is what is taking place today in our country, in our schools, in our hospitals. Yes, it is insanity, but completely and properly assigned to the shoulders and the deviant minds of these GOP Congressmen who seemingly have no compunctions about consigning our young, our elderly, in fact, all of us, to imminent death, an ugly death, in many cases. Time to end this insanity and get on the right train. Time to call out those for whom the failed rebellion of Jan. 6 was not enough. They want to do it again.

How is it that people will rail against the vaccine, calling it poison, "it kills", is part of some nefarious hoax, a deep conspiracy, all the while they are willing and literally dying to inject all sorts of real poisons into their bodies. Sadly, even into the bodies of those dependent upon them for protection, for common sense, for doing the right thing. It just does not make sense.

Now pair these numbers 654,000 dead, increasing every day. 160,000 new infections, cases, every day. Along with the language of revolution, of rebellion against the state spewing forth from the GOP members. Indeed, there is an encouragement to overthrow this government, but it is spewing forth from their mouths, their twisted tongues, their treasonous hearts and minds. Certainly, this is indeed "full on" attack upon our legitimate government, our Constitution, the very crux of nationhood and leadership, of modeling for the world in a positive manner. Their behavior, their language, are manifestly not worthy models at all.

This virulent poison of rebellion is increasing in its daring, in its openness, as pawns embedded in the framework of our government by Trump, to play a quisling role, are refusing to obey the words and orders of the duly elected President. They prefer to follow the orders and plans of a shadow President, an insane man with followers, using Hitlerian tactics to further his treasonous plans.

Think not that this division within our country goes unnoticed by the rest of the world. Think back, look back, think, think, think. In clear sight will be the truth, the sad, sad, truth. We are descending to the ranks of the Third World nations, those constantly riven by war, by internal combustion of their own population, of a nation that eats its own young in the name of what? In defense of what??? What!!!!!

In criminal law, one who aids and abets in the commission of a crime is considered as complicit and deserving of punishment as the one(s) who think it up, lead it, do the violent act. It follows that one who aids and abets in the murder of our young, other members of the nation, is just as guilty as those who stated this murderous policy. They convince others to shun the vaccine even as they take it. They push poison on these dangerously misguided people who lineup for their death. Yes, indeed, they are complicit in murder, manslaughter, whatever  particular term works.

Biden's plan is appropriate, only wrong in that it took so long to mandate. Employers are now requiring their employees to vaccinate or face loss of jobs. At the very least, refusers would undergo multiple tests for COVID. That testing is worse than any two day reaction to a shot in the arm - literally and figuratively! The federal government is probably the largest employer in the nation, hence a great boost to that nation if 100,000,000 vaccinate. A great victory in our war against this virus. Literally, a shot in the arm for all.

Time to grow up. Time to make sense. Time to recognize danger. Time to act. Time to step up. Time to do the right thing. Full on!!!

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