Saturday, September 11, 2021


 I do wonder, a great deal. No, not why the sky is blue, or men so obstinate! No, I wonder why, 20 years after the horror of 9/11 are we continuing, maintaining, a pattern of arguments and strife that will forever hinder our progress, our self defense, our national pride, our role among the nations of the world. Why, for the sake of us all, are we still having idiots rant against the vaccine even as they insert poison into their veins? Why do we have non thinkers, mouth breathers who join in vicious protests against mask mandates? Where the hell are their brains? Apparently, asleep at the wheel.

The GOP has taken on the role of anti anything and everything that comes out of the Democratic Party, even if the GOP voiced it first in previous sessions. Why? Simply to play a dangerous game of chicken, a game of opposition, a game wherein they place their King, Trump, in overall top rank, despite all his clay feet covered with lead as he slogs through the mire of his own making.

Why do we give credit to governors who encourage the death of their constituents? Why do we give credit to those protesting freedom as they refuse to understand their culpability as they infect others, even unto death. Why are we arguing about common sense, scientifically proven facts, observable today and every day. Why? I wonder, I really do.

I wonder why the very same people who were gung ho on invasion, and then on maintaining our presence, and then on signing a treaty with the terrorists, are now the ones complaining, loading Biden with the guilt of Trump, the idiot who still and forever, introduces his rant of rigged elections into all, even as he is supposed to talk about 9/11. Why do we consider such a man equal to the responsibility of presidency as he neglects the memorials on 9/11 and failed so abysmally in his past regime. 

I wonder where we are as a people, as a nation. I wonder why we treat each other as the enemy,  turn and twist things around  so that instead of condemnation of the terrorism, of the horror, we are now being asked to invert all, question our guilt. Surely, we are told, we have a modicum of guilt for we obviously forced the people to reach this level. Wrong, so very, deadly wrong. Yet here we are.  

What did we do wrong? Really? Is the rape victim guilty? Why is the storekeeper robbed guilty? Why is the murder victim guilty? Why are we guilty of being attacked for reasons of our wrongdoing? This thinking is dangerous. It smacks of self criticism sessions of the Chinese and Russians. It smacks, stinks to the high heavens of authoritarian thoughts, a danger to our democracy already under attack by the GOP in their backwards moving stance on voting rights, on equality, on helping the common man, even as these same common people are duped to death by the very same GOP. I wonder indeed.

I know where I was when JFK was killed. I know where I was when the buildings were attacked, fell down, killed thousands. I know where I was when I heard of the heroism on the Shanksville plane. And I know where I am as I listen to the perversion regarding this day, regarding rights in America, regarding the necessity of being a united people. I know where I was when the shame, the unbelievable rebellion of Jan. 6 took place. And I know where I stand today. Do you?

We live in perilous times. We live in times of greatness. We live in times of awful drops into the depths of depravity. We live in hard times, appear to now be living in a "new normal" if one can define normal any longer. We live in times where we must learn to change, drastically at times. If we do not do so, then we are lost.

I wonder if we realize that. I wonder if we understand that. I wonder if we are ready, willing, and able to take on the onus of fixing this world. I wonder, I truly do.

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