Monday, September 13, 2021


  ..... is that there are too many title choices, too many awful possibilities, and there is just nothing good about any of them. Truth to tell is that we are so confused, so enmeshed in awful situations that we are overwhelmed, despairing of any way out of this morass of shocking situations and attitudinal behaviors. Truth to tell.....what the hell!!!

So.... local issues first and by that I mean not the mess with the obviously deranged DeSantis, but with certain terrible decisions taken or about to be taken in CV. These are decisions that betray the people of the Village, their quality of life, their financial well being, and spit on common sense and sensitivity.

Decision one: To even entertain the discussion of a newly extended contract put forth by Atlantic Broadband is beyond belief. TV, streaming, internet connections -  lifelines to the elderly in CV. For many, it is an only tie, to the world, particularly if that contact is limited by physical issues. Now AB wants to lengthen an already ridiculously long  contract and propose new terms that when deciphered, are way too harmful for the Village. Yet, here we are, AB redux. Time for sanity. Time to deny AB. Truth to tell indeed.

Decision two. Not to require masks nor certification of proof of vaccination before allowing entry, if not into the Clubhouse at large, then certainly into a crowded venue of shows at the Clubhouse. Not to do so is inimical to the health and well being of residents and contrary to the rules of the major cultural venues around here. Why the hell aren't we? Truth to tell?

Decision three. To charge $5 a day - A DAY - for guests of residents to swim in the pool, to use any facility in CV. $5 a day per person. For grandparents on limited income who have three older teens visiting, well, how do they afford this? Why should they?! What an incredible burden. Why the hell are we increasing the profits of an already obscene profit margin for WPRF and the Levy family. Answer anyone? Silence reigns.

 Now, to the world. What the hell is the matter with us? Intolerable behavior by "truthers" at 9/11 memorial events. Defacement of memorials. Trump gets cheers for hosting a boxing event on the 20thanniversary of 9/11. Where two older competitors go through a disgusting sham of a bout, when a 58 year old is out for the count first round by his 44 year old opponent. And Trump gets cheered? What the hell!!! Shameful.

Hospitals have no more room for critically ill patients because they, particularly rural hospitals, are jammed with COVID patients The same people who refused vaccines, who spit on masks. Well, maybe those who maintain that these refusers should be denied priority care are correct. Harsh, yes. but it is triage. The same way a patient awaiting transplants is refused if that patient engages in risky behavior. Same difference, is it not? Why do these life endangering fools get the treatment they need before those who desperately need their own ICU bed? Again, harsh but.....

Why is there any controversy when an orphaned little Israeli child is caught in a family feud over  custody. Those who live in Italy wish to keep him, scheduled to attend a Catholic school. Have there not been enough Jews lost in Italy already? Let this boy go home.

227 people. The number of those killed during this year of climate disasters - for defending the climate, trying to save us, but what the hell!! So inconvenient aren't they? Better the profits. Better  no belt tightening if we are to maintain existence, avoid the Sixth Extinction. Oh, yeah!! Truth to tell.... but never mind truth. Too disturbing.

So Louisiana is in danger once again from a weather event. GOP governors acquiesce in death for constituents as they fight mask mandates meant to save ALL lives. Too much sense and truth there, I guess. So more people die. Needlessly. Callously. Political victims as well as victims of their own delusional thinking. Truth to tell.

Increasingly warned that terrorist threats are now of equal possibility and equally as dangerous, be they domestic or foreign instigated. People die. The end. Just dead. No coming back from that. And yet some, too many, cheer on our homegrown terrorists, traitors, rebels and defend their abominable and treasonous actions. What the hell again. Truth to tell - but, then again, we seem to have developed an allergy to truth.

A land that eats its own. A land that has lost its identity. A land that has lost its respect for traditional values - and okay, Superman - truth, justice and the  American way. Corny? Perhaps. But it says it all, does it not? Truth to tell.

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