Sunday, September 19, 2021


  So said the governor of Colorado when he married his husband, the first sitting governor to do so. Mazal Tov! It was time after 18 years together and their hearts were in the right place. "our hearts are full with the blessings of health, love, and family,"   I wish them well.

The question now is that statement of just happening relevant to all in life. I think not. When something "happens", if one delves into the matter, one often can trace its lifetime, from conception and inception to the present. For example, the present atmosphere within this country has not just happened in a vacuum. We have allowed it to grow, even fostering its growth, buying into the nastiness or simply allowing it to continue in the hope that ignoring it would cut off its oxygen. Well, it did not. 

Gonzalez, who voted to impeach that lunatic Trump, succinctly stated it:  " the current state of our politics, especially many of the toxic dynamics inside our own party, is a significant factor in my decisions,”.   He placed the blame correctly for the current "chaotic political environment that currently infects our country.” How correct he is, but he neglects to point out how, for the most part, he and all  his fellow GOP members toed the party line.  Trump was empowered, able to concentrate on consolidating his powers, to continue to terrorize further his party members, to grow his cult. Indeed, nothing just happens.

Lindsay Graham recognizes the cause and effect reality when he warned Trump.  "If we fail to take back the House and the Senate in 2022, Trumpism, I think, will die. January 6 will be your obituary."

He emphasized: "If we don't win in 2022, we're screwed." He knew this for a fact as he turned traitor to America in his quest for power. He much preferred the then status quo, where he was able to enthusiastically 'screw' the people of America. Nothing just happens. It generally takes the machinations of even a few to cause things to 'happen'.

We have now reaped what we allowed to be sowed. A rabid anti mask person has joined the many who have gone before and who will follow - deathly ill with COVID pneumonia. He, and all those who are ill or who have died, have only themselves to blame for it did not 'happen' in a void. Upon their shoulders is the blame for the current surge, such as the 50,000 dead in Florida. 

Why did they follow this fatal path? Mostly for the power, the political environment encouraging this. Few and far between are those who truly believe that the Lord will decide, so no vaccine. Why this vaccine and not others? I cannot explain that. They have a deep, misguided, belief that to vaccinate is opposed to the wishes of the Lord. My question?  Why then would He have empowered those who came up with the vaccine to do so in rapid time, enabling the saving of so many who would have otherwise succumbed to the pandemic. Nothing just happens. Think on that.

We are being warned that there is a realistic chance of violence on September 18 when there will be yet another attempt to again challenge this country, to "mobilize to violence with little-to-no warning, particularly in response to confrontational encounters with perceived opponents or calls for escalation by key influencers." What crap!!! Euphemisms for the former president, the then and current traitor to his country - Trump!! He encouraged the revolt, the coup attempt then, and is doing so once again, deny it as he might. His lies continue apace, turning the very air around him rancid with the reek of treason, with lies, with danger to life and limb of the entity currently known as The United States of America.

This rotten attitude, this failure to be truly loyal to this country, to its institutions, continues apace with hypocrisy rampant. Clarence Thomas, a man who should never have ben confirmed to the Supreme Court, his morals lacking dearly, states that "the country has "gotten to the point where we're really good at finding something that separates us,".  Well, does he not understand his role in this state of the nation? His own decisions on the Court bench have allowed, encouraged this. What a farce. Nothing just happens.

And this is what we get - from supposed educators at that! As an educator, I cringe, ashamed that other educators can do this. Do they realize the meaning of what they say, what it leads to, what damage they do? I wonder. I really do.

 "wearing those colors at the game, which marked the 9/11 20th anniversary, could "unintentionally cause offense to some who see it differently."

 If there is anyone who thinks that to honor the dead, the slaughtered of 9/11 is "racially insensitive' then he insults, dishonors, the victims. Black. White. Asian. Native Americans. Moslems. Jews. Catholics. Protestants. Atheists. All were killed, brutally, with malice aforethought. There is no being "insensitive' here. There is no being offended if kids wish to wear the colors of America - red, white and blue and honor and commemorate 9/11.

Think about what happened yesterday. McConnell comments about "Maalox moments" from Trump. Well, look within his own weak innards for the cause of that!

Trump states that "our hearts and minds are with the people being persecuted." Really! Well, the biggest sound yesterday in DC was Pfftt! as the protest fizzled. Coming to our senses? Maybe. Hopefully. Better be. Doubt it.

Hundreds of thousands of desperate Haitians are besieging the border in Texas, and away they will be flown back to Haiti. Heartbreaking, but there is no alternative as the numbers are simply too overwhelming to handle. What needed to be done was economic international aid for a permanently broken island nation. Never forthcoming. Thus - we reaped.

And the giant sequoias burn. As the world burns, literally and figuratively.

What crops have we sown? What crops shall we reap? 

Nothing just happens, or very rarely indeed.

We reap what we sow.

We get the leaders we deserve - or have allowed.

Nothing just happens. Nothing.

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