Thursday, September 16, 2021


 Most everybody loves to have a time when they can say with know it all smugness - "told ya so!" No matter the circumstances, good or bad, there is an element of self satisfaction, of pride in one's thinking and understanding, of being able to see through to consequences. However, at times, it is a very sad moment. This is such a one.

How many, many times was I told that I was insane, could not understand anything about Trump, that I was unreasonable about him, had jumped numerous sharks, too many to count. For years, from the campaign through and post his administration, I have spoken, written, warned, that the man was and continues to be nuts. Dangerously so. So obvious is it that I cannot understand why so many  GOP presumed leaders go along with him. Is it that they are crazy too; that all GOP figures in the public eye at any level also must be diagnosed with a mental illness, unbalanced? How else to explain this phenomena? 

Ryan: "began, on his own, to research how to deal with someone who is amoral and transactional.

Received a memo from a doctor on "how to best deal with a person with anti-social personality disorder"   

Psychology professor in 2016:"People with strong narcissistic needs want to love themselves, and they desperately want others to love them too—or at least admire them, see them as brilliant and powerful and beautiful, even just see them, period. The fundamental life goal is to promote the greatness of the self, for all to see."

'Nuff said yet? Get the drift?

 The man was, and always will be a barely there brain wise person. He could not understand what a fifth grader learns about the functioning of the government. He ranted and raved. He encouraged his duped followers, desperate  for answers, to "fight like  hell" and so they did, even unto killing guards and policemen, threatening lawmakers, suborning a shocking number of treasonous GOP Congressmen, set up a functioning meant to be used noose in the Capitol, and when the attempted coup failed, now blame it on the leftist opponents of their plans.

First of all, there are moderates who oppose the overthrow of the government - think of that! How lovely! And what, the anti fa dressed up in costumes with horns and weapons? Outrageous! Insane! And now, in two days time they are planning attempt No. 2. and when it fails they already have their pre planned excuse - it is a set up. It is not really them there. Yup. Insane is as insane does. Appears to be contagious. Much to the detriment of the country.

Gina Haspel, the then CIA director said, warned, worried, that "We are on the way to a right-wing coup. The whole thing is insanity. He is acting out like a six-year-old with a tantrum."

An arrested rebel shouted to the crowd that "This is 1776, and we the people will never give up." A s they fought to oust the government.  Yes, it is 1776 for all of us, and we will simply not allow a revolution against the legal and legitimate government to succeed.

Unfortunately we are besieged by too many going along with insane behavior. Try DeSantis or Abbott or any of those who deny the dead and the dying, the pandemic, as it crowds ICUs, the refusal to follow safety precautions meant for their benefit. Then they demand care as they suffer the consequences of their own stupidity.

The people ignore what was so eminently clear about Trump from the beginning. He is a deranged but clever opportunist who saw a path to gain a share of the Jewish vote. He 'supported' Israel - or did he?. Now we find that he accused his own son-in-law of dual loyalty, an anti Jewish meme from the beginning of time, even when there was no kingdom of Judea or the Israelites or a State of Israel. He is perfectly willing to throw all under the bus if it worked for his benefit. Wonder what he would do with his grandchildren?! Unthinkable, you say? Really?

The man needs to be muzzled, to be committed, for his good and most manifestly for ours, for the country, for the world, before he totally rips it apart. I was so happy to see him lose the election, thinking we were done with him, yet here he remains. Like a bad toothache that will not go away - unless we take the proper actions. Why have we not done so? Why has he not yet been put on trial? Why was he acquitted by his GOP collaborationists? When do we finally commit to the truth, for the country? It is about time. Hopefully in time.

Please do not make me say again, sadly, "I told ya' so!"


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