Wednesday, September 15, 2021


 The haunting refrain of parenthood. A car ride which turns into a grating of the nerves as the child persists in asking, "Are we there yet?" Usually, it is because the child is eager to reach the destination due to anticipation of fun or a good time. However, when adults ask that same question, well, brother, have we got troubles right here in America. In fact, the question understates the issue. The real question for adults is not "are we there yet", but are we beyond the "there", beyond the point of no return on a dangerous life changing trip, a car ride out of hell? What do we do about it? Can we do anything?

Too many people remain, either willfully or out of ignorance, blind to the existential threat to our democracy. We are that close to the realization of that nightmare, even as voices continue to swell with perilous inanities, believed by the deluded, all the while eating away at the supporting pillars of our government, our democracy, our guiding documents of the founding of this nation. A denial of our entire history- and our future - as the United States of America. That, if some have their way, will be a thing of the past. Nevermore to return.

Have I jumped the shark here? Have I exaggerated the peril which continues to plague us? Unfortunately, the answer is no, most definitely NO! For months - no, for years - I have warned of the dangers of Trump. Along the way, others have joined in and every single book out now or to come emphasizes the peril, the thin razor line that separated us from the accomplishment of plans by  a crazed, demented man, a man in an office where he never belonged in the first place!

A General, a most important one, reaches out to an enemy, trying to stave off nuclear war, the destruction of an entire world. Did he do wrong,  defying the principle of civilian control of the military? Perhaps, but existing conditions, probabilities of disaster, forced his hand. He acted in good faith, trying to preserve this world, this nation, defending it against the destructive goals of a lunatic. Quite near to completion, even as the rebellion ran on at the Capitol. No longer a possibility, but rather a probability.

Pence a hero? Not really. "You don't know the position I'm in," quoth Pence. Says Quayle, Quayle!!! "Mike, you have no flexibility on this. None. Zero. Forget it. Put it away,”

No hero there. Only a man hearing that he had no choice here and could not in any valid manner support his deranged boss and master. No hero.

Feeling the heat of the hell awaiting us? But wait, there's more.

"You know [Trump’s] crazy. He’s been crazy for a long time.” says Pelosi.

"Milley observed Trump’s erratic behavior—“screaming at officials and constructing his own alternate reality about endless election conspiracies,” according to Woodward and Costa—and feared the president’s “serious mental decline.” worried Trump could “go rogue.”

Are we there yet, indeed?

The danger that Trump poses for our democracy remains, alive, as lethal as the day he entered office. He constructed a world of his own and invited only those who worship him and his crazed plans for America within. That leaves the rest of us in danger, as dangerous as the fires raging in  California threaten the sequoia trees. Trump and his raging fires threaten us. Then. Now. Forever more unless we act. Enough of the 'gentle' approach. We have a majority, slim, but there.

 We need to act. Off with the gloves and on with the boxing gloves. The entire shameful truth, the entire shame of the GOP, its horrendous soul shattering acceptance within its ranks of open extremists, fascists, haters and its cowardice - all must be dragged into the open, our dirty linen washed, so thoroughly that there will be no mistake about it. We are going to deny these people their goals and plans. We are going to give them no leeway, they must speak at hearings. FINALLY we will put that man, that individual who has almost succeeded in overturning this country, on open trial. Finally.

 We desperately need to refute him and his troops. There is no other way, lest we answer that question of "Are we there yet", with a sad , "Yes, we are."

PS: No post tomorrow due to Yom Kippur


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