Thursday, October 21, 2021


 We are in a weird spiral. The more outrageous things become, in deeds and words, the more we appear to either ignore, for far too long, much to our detriment as people, as Americans, or we go to war on it, trampling over other concerns. We all seem to have forgotten that there is a place for everything , a time for everything, if only we would pay attention and get back to work, the true responsibilities of our government; however, we continue to waste time and energy taking potshots at each other. Or, we plan ever more egregious behavior. All the while, our country sags, believing the worst when the truth is actually not so bad. And the media rolls right along with it. Shocking! Just shocking!  Again - not really.

To be fair, there are moments of true shock, though I believe we are growing thickened skins when having to face the imminent - yes, imminent - possibility, almost a probability, that our democracy will shatter. Now that, come to think of it, is indeed truly shocking, yet, too many feel ignorance is bliss, simply ignore and it will go away. It will not.

Time and again, we see, hear about awful behavior from officials meant to be doing the opposite. We are battered with words of warning, those sounding the alarm growing in number, but is it too little, too late? Would we really be shocked when the attacks on the underpinnings of the nation and our democracy by Trump et al actually achieve their goals? Not really, and truth to tell, they have traveled a goodly distance along that road. So, reality, my friends, reality. We have ignored, laughed, for far too long, but that deranged, demented man, that toddler in an old man's body, is entrenched within our system, much to our dismay and future possibilities. Shocked? Shocking?

Not really.


Read the following and then answer that question.

"for one of the country’s two major parties to commit itself to the destruction of democratic elections is a terrifying thing for the country."

"...the one thing it must stand for is overturning a free and fair election."

"Frank Herbert’s "Dune,” “The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it.”

" make a fundamental shift in how our economy works for working people, to build the economy from the ground up and the middle out, not from the top down," Biden said." (I wish.)

"A sitting sheriff in Washington State has been charged with making a false claim that a Black man....."

"Republicans Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins, and now a third, Republican Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, who was charged with lying to the FBI..." 

 "unconstitutionally malapportioned" (Referring to legislative gerrymandering over and through the entire nation.)

"... Trump's family business, which is already under indictment in Manhattan, is facing a criminal investigation by another prosecutor’s office" (Yawn)

 "I thought this would happen in countries I studied, not countries I lived in," Rice continued. "Our institutions have to be upheld. What happened on Jan. 6 was wrong. I don't know how much more strongly I can say what happened on Jan. 6 was wrong. I also know that as a government and as a country, we've got to be concerned about the things that are making life hard for Americans and hard for American families." (From her mouth to  G-d's ears!)

Manchin thinking of leaving Democratic Party. News for all - he already has all but in name only!

"Sinema refuses to support any tax increases on the wealthy." (Yawn 2x)

Violent behavior by officers in NYC subway after 'disliking' being questioned as to why they were maskless. Solution - slam the questioner through the stiles! Yup!

Indeed. Words, actions, lack of actions, hypocrisy, threats, all possibly bandwagon jumps rather than true beliefs. Even, G-d help us, with many who actually could care zip about loss of democracy, even favor dictatorship, by a madman, an autocrat, a corrupt one. It will be better for this country, or forget the country - better for them. So they think. Living in delusion. When they wake up....will they be shocked? Confused at reaching this point? Oh, yes, once again engaging in denial of truth and reality. Shocking! Yet not. 

I wish there was a yellow brick road, obvious and safe, to follow to a magical Wizard. That road had dangers along the way, and the Wizard was a foolish, lonely old man, wishing, hoping to get back home. So are we. So must we.

Is that shocking? It shouldn't be. Yet there it is.

So, people, what do we do, what do you do about it? No, sand and head burying will not work long time, is not the answer. Shocked? Well, perhaps we all ought to get over the shock, get down to the nitty-gritty and force our elected representatives to actually do their jobs. Shocked? It seems so.

We had better do something soon. That is a fact.

Shocked? Shocking? Get over it.

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