Wednesday, October 20, 2021


  Have you ever had that moment when you stood there in shock after hearing, seeing or reading something simply outrageous or previously unthinkable? Did you then question your sanity or vision? Did you then smack the palm of your hand to your head, a simple reset, you hoped? Did you then act upon the impulse to go home, take those two aspirin, stretch out on the bed in a darkened room, and simply hope and pray that it would all go away, at least by the time you got up from your so needed sanity restoring nap!

Well, ditto here, folks. Me too! Reading the news, watching news broadcasts, my most often used phrase is "Say what?!"You read it again. You flip through the channels or the internet trying to check on the reality of what you hope was an error, a wrong switch in your oh so challenged brain in these times. And then - dear Lord! It was real.

Here are a few from five minutes of perusal of the day's reporting.

"I said I was going to go down with the crowd. But they wouldn't let me go. I think if I did go down there, I would have stopped the people from doing anything bad," Trump added."

Uh huh! Sorry, folks. He said it. He really did. Well, just chalk that one up to more lies and increasing derangement. Gotta' laugh - else you will cry.

Here's another one that will perhaps give rise to the same thought I had after reading it. Shame on us? Shame on the country? Shame on all those mud slinging careless, selfish pols? Check it out.

"Once we barricaded the doors, we were essentially trapped where we were," "There was no way to retreat. No other way to get out."

"If they get through that door, they're into the House chamber and upon the members of Congress," 

Okay. thought? Maybe we should have let it happen! Huddled, crowded into a supply closet, afraid for their lives, after a big fright, a threat to their own physical safety and integrity, maybe, just maybe, a harmless punch or two, a touch of their own medicine, perhaps they would have manned and womaned up, done the right thing and tossed the creep out of office. Woulda'. Coulda'. Shoulda'.

Trump warns Tuberville to "Protect yourself." Right. This from the man who had no knowledge of any planned insurrection, of the bloodshed to follow, of the threat to the fabric of this nation. Yup. But he knew nothing. Ask him. Well, actually, he does know nothing, but manages to crawl into the heads of people and turn off their bullshit gauge! And so we have a  return to American history, yet another Know Nothing Party has emerged. 

How much longer till people finally realize that they are fighting the very people who wish to save them from themselves. The vaccine is good. Write that 500 times and maybe, just maybe, it might penetrate those thick skulls, reawake the wiring of the brain, causing it to function properly. Or is it too late for that? Guess my answer to that!

The same people who shout about "having the courage to say no to the federal vaccine mandate," Cruz tweeted. "It's the right thing to do - to respect the right of their employees to make their own personal decisions about their own healthcare." -  are the same people who rant and rave, even kill, as they seek to deny that same privilege of self determination to women seeking control over their bodes, their decisions, who, after much hard thought, come to a painful decision that an abortion is necessary. 

See, they, no one, is pro abortion. They are pro choice. Pro the dignity of women. These supposed pro lifers, those who beat up clinic staff, harass the women entering, are they prolife when a doctor is shot in the name of saving lives? Are they pro life after that unwanted child is born, no money to buy necessities. No money for health care. No money for food. No time for stimulation of the growing mind. No time for love and care. But nope! They are done with pro life the moment that poor woman has been forced to bear that child of rape or incest, or damaged beyond repair, doomed to a life of pain, or the child that would simply break the back of this woman and her family.

How does one reconcile the absolute point of absurdity of their stance when they speak out of more than two sides! When they remain willfully blind to the truth, buy into the crap spewing from the mouths of wanna be dictators, rush to buy books replete with the same lies, calling it "historical standards". Hitler is smiling down there , folks, a great big grin on his damned face, for he is vindicated, his beliefs and techniques proving viability. Worse, the ever increasing success of his are being mirrored today. The same history that wrecked the world, that slaughtered millions, that ramped up hatreds, is the same today. Just look around and see the parallels. We refused to learn from the past and so it has come back to haunt us. An oft repeated warning about that, but who cares  anymore? Two knocks? Like tossing a spool of sewing thread to a man drowning in rough seas.

The ugliness grows apace. A high school cheerleading squad, those very same people who snoot off to others not as "gifted" or  "special", hang up a sign intended to demoralize the rival school, claiming they are privileged white creeps while the squad and their school are the blessed ones as they attend public high school rather than a Catholic one. The echoes, the ripple effect of the hatred, the absurdities, the far fetched extents of the tentacles of hatred and anger are way too long. They have veered into the dangerous world of causative and caustic behavior, self righteousness, self pity and ever growing class hatred. So no we have Stalin grinning along side his now best buddy, his BFF. We lose.

So yes, take two aspirin, by all means, but perhaps a few more might help the pain of the so many knocks to your head as you try to integrate what you see and hear and cannot believe, into a  strangely deformed reality that simply boggles the mind. Calling for help? Unfortunately too many of those people are the ones instigating and profiting from the unrest, the violence, the threat to democracy, its very noticeable crumbling.

I think I need to take four Tylenol - no aspirin for me - kick myself in the head, and find there no help, so off to that darkened room until I must emerge again and face the awful reality. Oof! I know. Where is that chocolate for that cures everything. Does it not? I wish.

Seriously, folks, we are in a bad way. Whether we like it or not, try to deny it, it is here, it is upon us, and the future is even uglier. We are running out of time and room to redirect the country, to get it back up the ramp and onto the proper roads. Tick, tick, tick.

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