Tuesday, October 19, 2021


  Apparently no one. As the fire beneath the underpinnings of our democracy grows in size and ferocity, we are left with a huge portion of an electorate who remain, as one pundit said, "MAGA Morons". "I feel like whatever he spews out of his mouth, I just love it.”  Is that not adding fuel to the fire, when people willingly shut down their s..t detector? Spews indeed!

 When reality is denied, when these same morons, "deluded supporters all proclaiming that “Trump Won” as loudly as they could,"  (that)  “antifa,” the “corrupt FBI,” and the “deep state”    is the truth, well, you figure it out. What else can we expect from people with brain shutdown, when their leader says, in response to lawsuits re Jan. 6 and by injured protesters at his hotel, that "The Klu Klux Klan [sic] dressed protester case should have never been brought as the plaintiffs have no one to blame but themselves." Fire and brimstone, sulfur aplenty. Truth? An endangered concept in that camp.

Law, legality, respect for the law, consequences for breaking the law, well, we can all recite that question, "Where has it gone, Joe DiMaggio?" Seemingly, we can all go whistle in the dark for all the good it would do. The way of life that should be the rule of life, respect and obedience to the laws of the country, - down the hatch. The law itself is being increasingly perverted, block American guaranteed rights, such as the right to vote, to be safe from rotten apple violent law enforcement personnel, even as that oh so political Supreme Court votes personal opinions, akin to those of the Leader, Trump, shielding sanctioned brutality by those same rotten apples. Indeed Joe, keep looking for perhaps you will see a path through the smoke and ashes of that dangerous fire.

"My country is currently a disaster, it is experiencing the most dangerous situation within it since our civil war, that is, for 160 years. And we are getting dangerously close to another civil war, we are on the brink,"

So states an actor and musician, recognizing truth. On the other hand we get dangerous nonsense at that, how one political host from the extreme right, someone who should know better, states proudly that he "wanted to get COVID-19, and this was all part of his plan.

"Hence, so, I have engaged with strangers, constantly hugging them, taking photos with them knowing that I was making myself very susceptible to getting COVID. Which is, indeed, as bizarre as it sounded, what I wanted, in the hope I would achieve natural immunity and be taken care of by therapeutics," . Adding, mind you, that he has been taking all the dangerous drug protocols of the Trump camp. Yet another example of people choosing to go against human instinct and protect their lives, rather than choosing to inject and/or swallow poison and boasting about it. Bizarre!

Can we not see beyond the bombast of a deranged, demented person, one who resorts to preschool schoolyard insults? Apparently not. Where and when and how was the match put to that fire that threatens the continued existence of America as she is supposed to be? 

I cannot answer that question in any manner or form which adequately explains it. It is that irrational. It is just so sad, so bad, so inimical to goodness and life as it should be. To borrow the phrase from a  noted author, "Cry the beloved country." Cry indeed. And please, can someone be there to answer the knock? Many someones?

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