Wednesday, January 19, 2022


  Blow me down; late again. This time I will write a blog. So, as Sgt. Jack Webb used to say, "Just the facts, ma'am, just the facts." And doesn't that date me! Oh well, facts are facts, and one cannot deny them. Or is that no longer true in this wacky world of ours, when truth is denied, belied, obfuscated every minute of the day. The night as well.

But blow me down again, but this morning's news presentations are somewhat startling. Trump is caught in a squeeze. The House will receive only four papers or documents, but it is a start. The NYS AG is going after Trump, and Junior and Ivanka for fraud in their business. More subpoenas are being sent to important advisers to Trump - now if only they would carry through and prosecute the  defiers, the deniers, finally getting somewhere to putting that man, that traitor, on trial.

Will it ever happen, will the GOP ever come to their individual and collective senses? Will they man and woman up, eject those within their midst who are outright fascists, proud of their benighted minds and goals? Just the facts? I have great doubt about that but worry about the final results in the oncoming elections. Just the facts again.

The GOP has taken over many state legislatures, installing restrictive voting bills, gerrymandering to the nth degree. If the Democrats do not get back the down ballot and the local legislatures, then for a fact - we are doomed. As individuals and as a country. A fact. And no, I 'amen't' exaggerating!

People are reacting and pushing for change, for justice to prevail, to remove the haloes around the crooks and traitors. The hope is that if the truth comes out, if the bubble bursts, and the filthy doings are displayed front and center with all the confessions of the guilty ones, then maybe, just maybe, we can win back the deluded minds of bewitched Trump believers who continue to attend his fake rallies, reminiscent of fascist rallies.

The point is that a conspirator cannot hide behind his conspiracy, plotting all the while to take down his country and then claim that is confidential thinking, hence must be guarded and never released. That is the defense of the parent killer who then pleads for mercy from the court as he is an orphan. Cake and eating it all - must be a never ever in the Trump instances.

Look around and see what we now have. We have at least two perverts on the bench of the Supreme Court. We have a woman who has denied rights to other women, who is deep in conservative mythology and menace. We have three lone 'liberal' judges with one in his eighties. G-d forbid the worst happens - well then expect indeed the worst to happen! There is no civility amongst themselves, defiance even of the Chief Justice, displaying blatant political partisanship by Gorsuch, his rudeness and most selfish behavior.  He has forced another judge to isolate herself from in person appearance at court or at deliberations. Why? Because the creepy dude refuses to don a mask in deference to the susceptibility of a sister judge to COVID as she has an underlying condition. Typical of GOP adherents today but not so typical of proper Supreme Court Justices behavior. Not before this. But now, everything goes. Just the facts.

Blow me down again as there is an open attempt to pull one over all the residents of CVWPB. The plan is clear, the outcome clearer. There is a very clear delineated plan to remove a building in the heart of the Village from its role serving the residents, now to serve only a specific sect. Worse, they intend to add a building, add two pools, construct ugly walls around them, limit the parking places available to Villagers, causing havoc on busy show nights and standard everyday traffic. Havoc at a crossroads of the Village. Damage to the infrastructure and appearance of the Village. Damage resultant from construction. A very ugly separation of a group from the gestalt of the Village. striking perhaps a death blow to it, changing it entirely from a residence for 55+ to a replication of Catskill encampments where large families overwhelm the campuses of bungalow colonies, swamp the roads with traffic, and not much civic cooperation forthcoming. No longer a home for those who live here, want a 55+ development. Need it.

 A most dangerous precedent for South Florida and its many 55+ villages and developments. It is incumbent on the Palm Beach County Commission to deny the new owners of the building their plans to destroy the Village, for that is the end result. No two ways about it. They must consider the inevitable outcomes, the history of these planners, the voices of those who oppose it, and not get beguiled by promises of benefit to them and the county. There will be none. Only damage.

Blow me down again? Well, if blown down by this, many people will not be getting up.

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