Hey, everyone, we need to remember some other things that are going on, some of which are most definitely connected to the horror that is now happening in Ukraine. There are reasons why Putin felt empowered to begin his war, certain he would achieve his aims, go on to the rest of his agenda, and get away with it all. And you know what? It appears that he was correct in his thinking.
You doubt my words, that last statement. His country is now isolated from the rest of the world. The economy is tanking. The ruble is worthless. Thousands of the citizens of Russia are themselves fleeing or protesting, braving almost certain arrest. The citizens of Ukraine, incredibly brave, will fight to the finish, not ceding without a long and bitter fight. So how can he be winning?
Russia is making steady progress despite brave fighting and resistance by the Ukrainians. While his army, the software, the soldiers, are not performing up to par, his hardware, the shells, missiles and artillery take up the slack. A horrendous, criminal strategy of attacking civilians and infrastructure, decimating cities to the tune of Aleppo lookalikes. Worse, he has shelled and captured a nuclear reactor, the largest in Europe. Nor does he have any hesitancy at all to threaten nuclear consequences should the West step in with boots on the ground and/or continue their sanctions.
Why is he so emboldened? Think back, not so long ago, continuing to the present and unfortunately, most probably into the future as well. The damage Trump has perpetrated on this country and indeed, the world, is beyond full comprehension, even unthinkable. Yet there it is. The dark shadow of the bromance of Trump and Putin threatens this country and the world, its very existence. Another bully, a proponent of autocracy, challenging democracy, a need for us to say no - and we do not!
No, we have not really said no. Yes, we have sanctions in place, much of that due to Biden who convinced other countries of Putin's nefarious plans, of the silence, the acquiescence of China to those plans, and urged them to stand together on the side of democracy lest we are all lost. Well, we might yet be lost, for words, sanctions, are not enough. The juggernaut of Putin continues, for bullies only understand force, physical facts. In reality, we have done nothing that will stop this march to fulfill the bloated dreams of a wannabe Emperor.
We stand before Putin critically wounded with a weakened alliance of nations. The bizarre and criminal behavior of Trump and cohorts, the open coup he fomented, the true amount of rot within this country and the distrust of our former allies have all contributed to Putin thinking this was his moment to strike and so he did.
Worst of all is the knowledge that this rot continues to grow with proponents of Trump and his dangerous egotism, his lies, continuing to believe and act upon those manifestly false dangerous conspiracy theories. Nothing will convince them otherwise, even the growing weight of proof exposing Trump's blatant complicity in the attack upon the integrity and continuity of this country.
Until we have restored sanity and trust to this country, I seriously doubt there will be enough backbone to halt Putin in his march to world hegemony and domination. With the economy improving, with great figures of job seekers, jobs available, and the falling rate of unemployment, we continue to harp on the inflation, a matter not truly within our hands or of our causation. We ignore the weakening of the pandemic due to heroic efforts by the government and first responders. Despite the crazed opposition of those who made mask mandates the equivalent of Hitler's treatment of Jews. I am personally offended beyond belief by that trivialization of the worst genocide in history. But that is the mindset of those who oppose democracy, who crave a dominant figure at the helm, who cannot see the harm that will befall all, including themselves.
Let us not forget that we have a long way to go to heal the wounds of Trump, of the pandemic, of friendship and trust between countries and among the people within those countries. All the words in the world will not save Ukraine despite all our hopes and admiration. Not unless we step up to the plate. Boots on the ground? No fly zones? Planes for the Ukrainians to defend themselves against the air power of Russia? Something, anything, that is more than words. Someone out there must have a good idea. One that will hopefully stop this bloodshed and not incur or allow for more. I truly hope so.
Not to forget that all is and are connected. Lines can be drawn, borders can be claimed, but the connections cross all lines and borders. Maybe that is where we need to start. Certainly, it is ironic that while we are so concerned about the national, political and territorial integrity of other nations, we are forgetting about our own. Look in the mirror, folks. See the nose on our own face.
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