I'm confused. Apparently, no one is in charge here. Opinions range from the beginning of WW3 (note the now approved notation of the G-d forbid event), to the beginning of the end of Putin, to the "end of the world" and to the beginning of a belated, very much so, awakening of the West to the true risks and terrors of Putin being ignored, in the hope that he will go away.
But bullies do not go away. They will simply rev up the level of threats, real and implied. At the signs of victory, the bully will amp up his efforts, expand his 'bullydom'. When ignored, bullies will continue on their path; they do not go away. They simply increase or raise the risks to the victim until that poor target cedes to him. Bullies only respond to force, for they are afraid of that, afraid of what others, if united, if strong, can do to him and his plans.
I know I have no power with which to shift the state of the world. I have no power to challenge this bully who until now has gotten his way. State after state has fallen to him, under his poorly disguised control of the reigning leader or swallowing it whole. From the 'Stans to piecemeal devouring of Ukraine to the threats to the Baltic Republics to the remaining Eastern European countries - all are in the circle of danger. All face this bully and until now no one fought back with any serious chance of success. On he merrily rolled, such a busy little ant as he restored, piece by piece, the hegemony of the former Soviet Union. Better yet, the Russian Empire, for who better suited to be crowned Tsar than .... well, you connect the dots.
Think that is too far to imagine? Not so, for look what he has already achieved. He has the rest of the world cowering. He has openly mourned the end of the Soviet Union and its kingdom. It took much effort upon the part of Biden to convince the shivering countries of Europe to stand together, to stand up to the bully. Words and threat to counter bullets. Not sure that always works. Furthermore, when the man began throwing around his words, of nuclear threats, well, the tiptoeing began again until the opinion of the people in the street, the pictures of the devastation, the destruction of a country which had been a mirror to others, emerged into the clear light of day.
Sanctions grew and were enforced. The toys of oligarchs are being confiscated. Russians in the public eye who do not condemn Putin are condemning themselves to oblivion as they are barred from their professions. Sanctions are tough on the citizens of that sanctioned country, but perhaps this will serve as the impetus for the Russian people to rise up against this threat to the world, overthrow a government of oppression, built on lies and bubbles of hot air. Is it not time for them to do so? As they have done before? They share in the blame, for they traded their improved economic status for the unrest and trouble Putin caused in other areas of the world.
Just as the citizens of Germany accepted and cheered on Hitler, the people of Russia are as guilty as the Germans. The American people are also guilty for we elected a madman as President, a man who is now openly tied toa criminal conspiracy to overturn the legitimate government. All because he is a sore loser, an egotist who cannot accept truths and rejection.
We continue to allow this, accept unacceptable behavior and statements from members of both Houses of Congress, from state officials running for higher rank. From the likes of one traitor working with Russians who has supporting members of his tainted and treasonous opinions and plans. Such as the recent conference of loony, dangerous extremists, including amongst their speakers and members our own representatives in DC. Those who agree with this man who states, "If I return to the U.S., it'll be on a Russian tank to liberate the U.S. just like what we're doing here,".
So where are we? The beginning? The middle? The end? The beginning of the end or the end of the beginning? Do these terms actually matter unless backed by firm responses, nose to nose, for bullies will not go away. Putin is crazed enough to push that damned nuclear button, initiating a war that will be over within hours, unstoppable, programmed to respond. Then it will not matter any longer as pathetic survivors wait out their days in a dystopian world such as we have seen only in movies, though some countries have come damned close to it in their own inner madness and fighting.
Pick your choice, choose your option. It will not matter unless we force the bigshots of the world to act responsibly, honestly, firmly and prepare a better future for those who come after, a world where such behavior will not be tolerated, nipped in the bud. That is the only way to the right end - or to the end of the beginning or the end of the middle or the beginning of the end ...well, you get the drift. I hope.
Our voices can be raised in the next elections, despite the rigged gerrymandering and voting restrictions. We simply need to get out there and vote, no matter the difficulties. It will surely be much more difficult if we turn this country over to our homegrown fascists. Think about it.
PS. Just read that Russia has control of the nuclear power plant - after shelling it despite the awful horrendous consequences that might have happened. The reaction to all this- more tsk, tsk, bad boy, better stop - with no strength at all behind the words. Bullying reigns supreme.
Think about that and what it could mean to the rest of the world, to us!
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