Tuesday, August 16, 2022


  The traditional answer to the phrase of the title is: "who's there?" Apparently, we have answers at two ends, totally opposite of each other. Either no one is there, or too many are there. What we discover, in our puzzlement at the non-traditional answer, is mind blowing. Yet is it really. In this time of outrageous unthinkable, unimaginable doings, is there any answer that should or would shock us? In my humble opinion, the fact that we are not shocked is shocking in itself. The fact that this is ongoing for so long is the shock, for it tells us that the USA is no longer what it was, that we cannot trust in traditional roles, that justice, the laws of society are being violated, perverted, with utter chutzpah, by the very people charged with enforcing the rules and proper demeanor of society. And does anyone give it a hoot?

Compare the nation's outrage when the 18 minute gap was uncovered and the whole mess of Watergate. The offense there does not even come close, not even in the same room, with the horrendous misbehavior and yes, criminal deeds perpetrated by a past President most egregiously unqualified, dangerous to the country we have ever had.

Where is the outrage from the nation? Where is the outrage of his party, whose reputation is sullied beyond belief; where are those who should be standing up for the country, doing what is right, rather than watching their coattails and who is trying to catch them. Where are they? Why have they disappeared? Why are they defending treason, defending a violation of the Espionage Act - by Trump, an elected office seeker who has refused to give it up, admit defeat?

If we mind our p's and q's here, we might, just might, have the ability to ensure that the well- deserved 'rewards' are bequeathed upon Trump. We must make no mistake about it, how we go about doing it. Trump is a dangerous fiend chasing after power, after safety. He is running as he has never run before, from the ever so real chances of prison - in a federal prison, sentenced harshly for all he has done, wanted to do, and the harm, possibly irreparable, he has inflicted upon this nation and the world in general. 

He ignored the critical problems we faced, from security to existence, in an unfair society and an existentially endangered planet, and committed fraud and alleged criminal actions in defense of these evil actions and refuses to admit guilt. Instead, he defends all this horror with a vitriolic spewing of lies after lies after more lies, contradictory, nonsense, dignified by nothing. It is the pathetic mewling of a coward caught with his hands, feet, entire body, in that cookie jar he maintained he owned.

Far, far worse is the threat he is to the very safety of the entire nation. He thinks himself above the law for he knows the power he has to rile this nation to violence, to prod them into forgetting who we are, who they are, to ignore the fact that we are to be ONE, a nation united, for division weakens us, endangers us, places our survival as an intact nation in great jeopardy, an extremely questionable future.

He sends out this barely disguised threat, ostensibly reaching out to Garland, offering his "help" in calming the flames he has lit. What a crock! Read the words and then read between the lines. Understand the danger he is, the conflagration threat right there, match at hand to light the flames, to engulf this nation and soak the land with the blood of its people.

“People are so angry at what is taking place,” “Whatever we can do to help— because the temperature has to be brought down in the country. If it isn’t, terrible things are going to happen.”

There is no help offered here. Only a threat. Implied and very much real. Knowing what he did on J6, he believes he can do even more, perhaps permanently, successfully, in accordance with his twisted, perverted, mind and soul. Heart, he has none for he could care less about the people who stand in harm's way, in fact, the only assurance he can promise. 'Better lay off me, or I will unleash the flames of hell upon you' is the true message he is sending - and his thin disguise hides nothing at all.

He threatens law enforcement, followed by physical attacks on the FBI, he has found even more lawyers willing to violate their oaths, violate the laws of this nation, ask others to commit crimes, to take one for that man who cares nothing for them. That indeed is mind blowing, yet ever so real. Read the warnings on the situation. Remember - DeSantis, Blackburn, Greene, Hawley, McCarthy, Rubio, Graham, etc. et al, maintain their defense of this criminal, this traitor, even as they trash talk the true heroes of the police who battled the rebels at the Capitol, who maintain their positions, those like Cheney, Thompson, Kinzinger, who stand up for what is right. Despite the threats made to them.

"It's shocking that so many would excuse literally anything to protect Trump,..."

"...my observations on this is that he is makes those statements because he knows the effect they will have, right?"  "He had a distinctive experience on January 6th. That crowd that came and unleashed a violent attack on the Capitol did so, according to many of them who have testified, because they thought that's what he asked them to do."

"He knows that that community of very aggrieved, politically extreme people are listening to everything he says and doesn't say," "And they react in ways they think he wants them to act. I think that's why he's making the statements he is now."

'Nuff' said. The path, the choice, is clear.

 Knock, knock. 

Who's there?

It had better be us, rather than 'them', the adherents and defenders of a most unamerican President, ex, that is. If only he would remember that.

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