Wednesday, August 17, 2022


 Liz Cheney is a classy person. She holds her temper, speaks calmly, and her speeches are replete with beautiful comments re our system of government, re paying honor to those who fought so that we could retain and enjoy it, and the responsibilities upon us to ensure that this "wonderful experiment" remain in viable, true to mission condition. Gotta' love her. Find her concession speech in the primary and honor her, respect her, and wish that there were far more like her, in deep contrast to others in the GOP such as Mast and Scott, unfortunately both from Florida.

Both of the above have no place in government. Scott is the wealthiest dude in the House and is so far removed from we 'little' people that he does not even breathe the same air!! Mast has been a fake from the beginning. When he enters a room with his special suits, designed to show off his prosthesis, taking advantage of the honorable wound he received, he demeans them and all other wounded veterans. We have had so many over the decades, the centuries and not a single one, in the past or present, in the House and Senate, flaunt their wounds. It is ugly and turns many people off. Hopefully, we can eliminate both their presences in DC via the election. How they pale in comparison to Cheney.

It is time for all of us to step up to the plate and become members of a classy society, one which talks, rather than fights. One that compromises, rather than descends into steep, bitter partisanship. It is, plain and simple, Time. To. Grow. Up.

Time to be honest - a quality seemingly absent in the above mentioned GOP aficionados as they "forgot" to register their individual stock activities. Hmm. Sniff, sniff. Smell something rotten here? Their excuse of "it fell through the cracks" is lame. Could you forget a trade worth tens of thousands and have it slip through those apparently chasm sized cracks? Nope, not me. Apparently, these self-proclaimed speakers for the people are not worried, but as for me, I know where every dollar I have is, where it is going, and where it went, particularly in the miserable economy that Trump ripped out of a functioning one left to him by Obama. Only another Democrat was able to pull us out, despite all the oh so charming nasty tactics, unthinking, aimed only at disruption, behavior of GOP in both Houses.

Threats real and implied. Behavior inimical to the survival of this nation as a democracy, with an open push and recommendation for autocracy. An electorate asleep at the wheel, or worse, awake, and still going down that life killing path. An open consortium of members of government who are not loyal to the government, but rather only to themselves, as they serve their master, in misplaced loyalty and with fear. Where an ex-president is debated as to being a flight risk!! A traitor as president!! Read that ten times and then see if your hair has not turned white or fallen out. Close your mouth, agape at such a situation and realize that it is here. right now. And will continue, G-d forbid, unless WE act.

Trump has his end of days plans. Dumb, maybe, not well thought out, but there it is, plain as the nose on your face. His dumb plans seem to be working, too well, quite uncomfortable when we peruse them, his words, his deeds, and where he is right now. He is in a place from which he can inflict the death blow, the one that kills it all.

Only WE can stop it. Dead in its tracks. Oppose him and his acolytes, his cringing, kowtowing coterie of creeps now looking for ways to justify what they did and did not do, or throwing it all to the winds and buying it all, upping the ante, betting it all on the belief that Trump, and his perverted views will get the upper hand. G-d forbid!!

Class. Honesty. Proper representation. True service to constituents. Honor. Honor. That is what we need. That is what we are in such short supply that I wonder if we can ever truly refill, gas up thoroughly, and find the better road on which to travel.

We had better. The alternative is ugly. We do not want to finish the path we are on, for the end result, the dead end is exactly that.

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