Tuesday, August 23, 2022


  The complete sentence went "The United States will file a response." Referring to the time delaying tactic of Trump demanding a "special master" to peruse all documents seized from Trump and his property at Mar-a Lago, with his appointed judge to name the "neutral" (cough, cough) "master", the response was that the United States will file as to this request. A time delaying desperate attempt to slow down the massive rolling snowball of indictable legal charges against him, this has got to be recognized as the fakery that it is, as an attempt to avoid just retribution and consequences of his actions and inactions as well.

However, if we take the entire situation and look at it as a whole, the true meaning of that phrase is there in front of us. The United States indeed must file a response. The filing will be in the results of the primaries and more important, most important, will be the results of the national elections. How will the United States indeed respond?

There are two clear choices, though many apparently are too blind to know that. To understand that if we file the wrong response, this can be one of the last, or actually THE last free election of these here "united states". A tragedy for us and the world in general, one that will change history for the massive worst and probably ensure the demise of humankind, the disappearance of humanity, certainly life as we know, from the face of this earth of ours. In fact, with climate change deniers in power, we will have ensnared ourselves in a net of forthcoming tragic and increasing runs of "natural" events that have been caused by our mistakes, by our abuse of our shared abode, the planet Earth, our arrogance and selfishness.

Perhaps as we are inundated by rampant tragedies, we will lose sight of the fact that this was and is, a tragedy of our own making; caused by our faulty response to the challenges we are facing. Our response has been twisted as we refused to see the truth, to recognize danger when right there, in one's face. 

Biden had it right when he spoke to the "spearing, spraying, brutalizing" mob crazed, hyped up crowd of insurrectionists who sought the end of democracy, in the name of, for the man, Trump. This man has totally, quite possibly forever, destroyed the directional movement of America. It has been thrown off course, destroyed, actually, perhaps forever, by this fascist and his eager, deluded, followers, many competing as to who is the most fanatical fascist, the heir to the throne. Good luck in fighting those two sons of his who vie in their lies as they champion their alleged criminal father. Like father like son(s).

However, as we battle these challenges, perhaps we do not realize the crux of the matter. WE, this country of ours, has lost its moral underpinnings, thrown off restraint of power seeking, corrupt individuals, and instead have rewarded their extremism and total disregard for the wishes of the majority of Americans who have unfortunately   remained too quiet, too passive, too unaware of the existential and immediate, perhaps forever peril facing them.

We have speared our own selves, brutalized our own selves. WE have torn up the heart of this democracy, this system in a continual struggle to improve. We have accepted bizarre misinterpretations of the Constitution, abrogated the Declaration of Independence as we have more and more, stripped rights from the people, minorities, women, children, as the fascists among us appear to have the overpowering hand to impose a "nationalistic" Christianity that is most definitely not in any way shape manner or form, the true version of Christianity. What have we done? What have we allowed?

No longer is it 'look what G-d hath wrought' for now it is, 'look what man hath wrought'. 

We have thrown away much, too much, of America, trashed the sacrifices and dreams of too many. The question before us now is whether or not we will rise to the challenge, give the best, most meaningful, historically imperative, response.

The choice is clear. The consequences are clear.

It is upon us. Now. Immediately.  

Let us hope, prove, that we can measure up, screw our courage indeed, 'to the sticking point', be true to mankind - and ourselves.

And our kids.

It is the only path to choose, the last chance we have to read directions properly.

Let us all do the right thing.

May G-d bless America.

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