Wednesday, August 24, 2022


  I can see it in the future - should we make it to that point - a group of scholars of history discussing the weird turn America took in the teens and twenties of the 21st century. They are in the process of writing the definitive and detailed history of the times, trying to reach a satisfactory and agreed upon analysis with very clearly delineated steps of devolvement of the country and its close, too close, to a miraculous recovery just in time to halt the slide into autocracy even as the danger of retrogression continued for many years.

Questioning the actual intellectual ability of people of those times, they simply could not understand the arc of the thinking, the astonishing acceptance of so much anti-American actions taken by her own legislators and justices. On every level. Amazed and horrified at the possibility that it could ever happen again, there was a deep feeling, an urgency, to deep dive the times, to understand the danger it posed then and if there is any carryover into their times. They compared the danger posed to the life of a virus, long thought defeated, yet suddenly springs to life once again, due to sloppy habits and over confidence.

How and why did such blatant irregular misdeeds come into acceptance? Why did the people of the nation turn against each other? So viciously, bloodthirsty. Was it the polluted water and air, the chemicals and contamination, the deleterious effects on the thinking capacities of the people. How could this be prevented from any future existence? How did one protect the country from itself? Existential questions and risk. Aberrational thinking beyond the ken of sane rational thought and thinkers.

The first conclusion they arrived at was that the ideas of truth, of honesty and honor, were totally trashed. In place, instead, were installed the vices of greed, of seeking for power, of disregard for others, for spitting on the history and moral ethos of the country. Loyalty to country was jeered at, seen only as a useful misused political tool. America lost its "Americaness", lost direction as a nation, and simply adopted the tribal way of life, with competition even unto death.

Ironically, the very triumph of the GOP tribe, along with its affiliates, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and such, forced a growing recognition of the dangerous situation of the country, the very real probability that unless there were drastic steps taken, the country would be lost. No more America. No more United States of America; instead, there arose several smaller, quarrelsome nation states. The mighty country, the leader of the West, was gone and in its place was a vastly underwhelming group of infant states posing only peril to the entire world.

The leaders of the West rolled up their sleeves and actually worked together, in tandem, with those of America who wished to see a return to the past and a path to the future. Bit by bit, individual by individual, the rot was weeded out. Funds were dispersed to new political parties calling for a reuniting of the country, a return to the United States of America. Strict laws were advocated dealing with governmental officials who in thought and deed opposed this reunification, this return to democracy as opposed to a faulty dangerous dynasty where there had never been one before. Alarms and alerts were set in place. After a long, difficult slog through the morass left behind by the Trump dynasty, its greedy denizens, its overwhelming philosophy of lies, of opposition to truth and honesty, of responsibility to the people rather than to themselves, finally there was new light entering the world.

Ironically, the death knoll for the country in 2024 was, as the hundredth anniversary approached, rejected, with the overwhelming approval of the oppressed erstwhile Americans. Eager to return to a historical truth, a global necessity and historical imperative, the United States of America was reconstructed anew. With safeguards in place. Most important of all was the banning of any and all Trump descendants unless their loyalty to country over self was clear and distinct. Harsh but necessary, as the country could not survive a second such period of history, of a rending of the country to such a degree. 

Nervous, yet satisfied with their final version and text recounting, explaining, this aberrational period in the history of the United States of America, the committee closed its session. A final ending and an explanation of those dangerous times. The safeguards necessary for a secure country, a solid future, in the place where it belonged, as a leader of the West, a leader and protector of democracy, were set in place so as to avoid a recurrence.

Is this the future we want to see happen, to allow to happen, or worse, even encourage to happen? Is this what we wish to leave as our legacy? Do we wish to go down in history as the biggest threat ever to a positive world? Opposed to or apathetic about the idea, practice, and survival of democracy, and the best future for humanity that could ever be imagined, engendered, for all time?

Certainly not. Not if we think straight. Not if we wish to do, and will do, the right thing and reject Trumpism, and all denizens and proponents of the dystopian Trumpian world. We must. Now, I believe, is our final chance to avoid such a miserable future for our kids, for us, for humanity. It is that simple. It is that clear. It is that dangerous.

Time to pick a side. Time to choose. Time to take the responsibility upon ourselves, and either the credit or the blame. 


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