Wednesday, September 14, 2022


  Not a great day yesterday, or this morning, to peruse the news and events. It was one great hit after another, and not the hits of Billboard either! Sometimes I wonder if we are ever to return to a life where there is more to celebrate than mourn, more positive than negative, a world where a good event or thought is not almost immediately overshadowed by a negative one. One day, maybe, but the optimism meter just ain't ticking away on the upside.

So, yet another hit on hard won lifetime savings as yet more retirement funds disappeared down the black hole of current financial times. For some reason, the financial world panics at every bit of news not favorable to or for the market, drawing a blank on memories that remind us that these extremes often ease, will ease, if only people will stop panicking. Chicken Little or not, the sky is not always falling, and if we refrain from constantly hacking away at the pillars of sanity, we will realize that.

 Meanwhile, the panic induces consequences which give birth to more consequences and the ugly snowball grows. There was a positive side ignored. The inflation rate diminished to a degree, so just hang in there, tailor expenses, spending and expectations accordingly. Rather than looking on the bright side, the hopeful side, we jump into the pool of panic causing additional harm. Just another hit of the day. If only we would think. If only. Sigh.

As if I were not shaking and rattling enough, yesterday's report from the ADL re the growth of antisemitism, vicious, hateful, particularly right here in good old Florida was the proverbial cherry on top, the rotten cherry, that is. The same old evil canards, the ones we would hope had disappeared, are right back, front and center, enhanced by technology. Once again, Jews are the enemy of humanity. This despite their myriad contributions through the centuries. Simply talking on your cell is thanks to Israeli Techies. Perhaps you animals out there should put away those tainted phones and life will improve for all. 

This rot, this homicidal poison does not end with the 'little' people. Nope, we are 'blessed' by the VIPs and their hideous stances. Pushing extremism, left and right, voicing dastardly false statements, shouting out loud, proudly, in uniform, mimicking the worst of humankind's history, our 'leaders' there cheering, instigating, and there ya' go, just another hit rolling down the tracks. Straight at us. And rattle go the bones.

Extreme white power creeps have their advocates up there where the air is thin, not so clear. Sorry, Mary Poppins, but that is the truth. DeSantis, the consummate fascist in quite transparent clothing, shrieks re Christian power, re putting on full armor, once again joining the stream of those who use religion to push their invective, their bloody thoughts, their awful deeds that accompany their awful words. From Tlaib, Omar, AOC to DeSantis, Trumpians, Johnson, Greene, et al, antisemitism is alive, ill as always, boding no good for anyone. No one. At all.

From the Code of Hammurabi to the Ten Commandments and the Bible, to the civil systems of justice, judicial systems have served as barometer of the times. When justice is perverted, coopted, buying into the poison of the day, society is doomed. There is warfare, blood in the streets, a broken infrastructure and a destroyed world.

The judiciary system of America today has been corrupted, coopted to an alarming degree. Today, one can routinely expect a Trump appointed judge to blatantly exhibit shocking deficits - ignorance of the law, ignorance and low levels of intelligence and writing skills, and a blatantly open approach and willingness to be outed as a biased judge. How do we oppose this, return the justice system to its proper functioning? I'll be damned, but I cannot figure out how unless we have some new rule wherein standards must be met, or mass, wholesale impeachment. Much above my pay grade, but not above my realization and clear sight of this manifest huge ugly shameful zit on our society.

The back of our society, its safeguards, its parameters, is broken. The question is whether it can be fixed, and in time. Will it be a peaceful fix, or will it shed even more blood and despair on the nation and world? My guess, my bet, is not on the good side at all. Been beat down too much these past few years. Too much. Hope is fluttering its wings feebly, waiting for sustenance that only we can provide. A sustenance we have been quite skimpy, less than generous in providing.

Meanwhile, the hits come to us via another track, that of the natural world. We are told by authorities today that one third of the world's trees are doomed to extinction. Never mind the flora and fauna relying on those trees; never mind the air we breathe via those trees. Never mind the loss of arable land in a world overrun by starvation. Never mind the rogue events now commonplace, the destructive Mother Nature we have come to know, to the point where California has become the first ever to rate heat events. A sign of the times not to be proud of. At all. Another hit that should not be. Another hit that threatens us all. Yet, there we are, walking on in willful oblivion or disregard. Nothing good comes of that.

Furthermore, to share the wealth, we are discovering many exoplanets, those possibly capable of sustaining life. Oh, jolly good, folks. Yet more planets to ruin, more enemies to make as we encounter alien life - even as we become the aliens to them. Dangerous, thoughtless, greedy aliens.

In the meanwhile, we have plenty of aliens right here in our home state of Florida. The trees fall daily, the rich land is covered over by cement, the air grows hotter, the forces of Nature stronger, more extreme, more destructive, but the tax dollars must go up, the true needs ignored, trod upon to the point of destruction, into smithereens, insignificant - till payment comes due. Will we be evicted? Could be. But the fact remains, an eternal truth - the Piper must always be paid. Even then, it might not be enough, nor soon enough. There it is, the faint sounds of the Piper's pipe, growing ever clearer and nearer.

Time to shift gears, to change the channel, to find a more positive station and soon. These hits coming our way, some already here, well, clearly not a good stream for humanity. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

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