Thursday, September 15, 2022


  Sometimes, even, or perhaps especially during these trying times, the media can supply unexpected humor into mostly non humorous situations. It certainly helps when a truly funny picture forms in the mind, and suddenly what seemed so frightening is reduced, at least a tad, and hope rises that someday soon, we hope, the world will restore itself to sanity, we will consign the troublemakers to their well-deserved 'luxury' cells and the latest fashion in orange jumpsuits. 

Then, we will be able to restore a more balanced world, attuned better to the true existential woes that threaten all of us, and try to fix the problems which are, at an increasing pace, literally destroying this orb of ours. So, from whence the chickens and dogs and roosters of the title? From words spoken and images that draw themselves, arising from the reports of the day, the thinking of the day, the deeds of the day.

First up, the chickens and roosters. Perhaps that is the subconscious reason behind so many people suddenly becoming chicken farmers, with the fowl roaming backyards and estates, the roosters crowing days into reality, and all is well. What with our new gentlemen farmers and landed gentry, and newly woke urban dwellers who are raising chickens for eggs and whatnot, how can we possibly go wrong?

Well, chickens come home to roost, do they not? It is a well-used term as well, to describe other 'chickens' coming home to roost. Particularly in a wired society where nothing, but nothing, remains cloaked forever. Secrets are outed. Treasonous behavior uncovered. Stupidity and cupidity clear the road for chickens to come home to roost, all the while, the strutting, vain rooster, thinking he is the ruler of the roost, is crowing in vain. His day has come and will hopefully soon be gone, as all those chickens come home to roost!

Yet another creature of the times enters the picture. That is the rats. All these rats are fleeing a sinking ship. Nothing will stop it, stopgap desperate measures are proving ultimately useless, and the ship is, will, be going down, G-d willing, on a permanent, never to be returned manner. Long may it lay at the bottom of the ocean, the same ocean of unity and peace, of positive movement, that they have almost irretrievably polluted.

Now simply paste the images of the faces of all those rats and chickens onto the bodies of the rats and chickens in natural form. Our own griffins. Some fleeing, others coming home to roost, and the rooster continuing to crow his falsehoods, struts in ignorance in his own false world. All the while, the rats engage in reverse engineering of a social political type. They claim innocence, claim entitled valor as they 'saved' the country and the world from an insane man. A deranged man, a rooster who crowed all day long, thinking his roost was safely ensconced in his leaky balloon world and reality. 

Now the rats, swimming away as fast as they can, will, please, oh, please, find the ocean they swim in is too vast, too deep, for them to succeed and their chickens, their misdeeds, their collusion, will return to their own unique roosts. Ah, the pleasure of these images, this reality to be taking shape. Nothing will stop its momentum, no matter all the corrupt, ignorant, biased judges, the lies of the rooster et al, and the frantic backpaddling of the rats.

Oh, the dogs. Never can forget the dogs. Schumer had it correct when he discussed the frantic backpaddling of the GOP as their egregious attacks on the rights of all, particularly now for the right of a woman to choose to make her own decisions, to rule her own life and body, have turned on them. 

Caught in a growing backlash to their meddling, these men have never carried a fetus to term, never suffered permanent harm and damage from a rape or incest caused fetus, or a fetus dead within the womb, endangering the woman, or for whatever reason. They are not the women denied treatment for conditions, even life-threatening conditions, because the fetus might be affected. So tough bugs on the women! These men are not those who will need to worry about raising these unwanted resulting babies, even as the same hypocrites who would deny this right, cut the funding necessary, the social safety net that would take care of these children. Guess once these fetuses are carried to term, the men, as usual, can wash their hands of responsibility and pat themselves on the back for yet another failure of theirs.

Now the frantic GOP are desperately trying to take back their words, but the deed is done, too many deeds at that, even as Republican dominated state legislatures defy the wishes of the electorate and continue to pass anti-choice bills. Even as Graham, that creep, that Trump supporter, that would- be fascism importer to this country, announces a bill for a national anti-abortion, anti-choice bill, one that can easily spread its venom to other rights - LGBTQ+, follow us right into the bedroom and anywhere else they please. Interracial marriage? No. Same sex marriage? Nope. Cancelled. Voting rights? Severely limited. A national bill when all the while they screamed that this should be up to states, not on a federal level.

All these machinations bring our nation and our voting system ever closer to the fake elections of Putin and all fascist, authoritarian governments. As for me, I hope they have to eat their words, rue their stupidity and greed, and fail, massively, at the polls. I hope America wakes up, before our almost too late situation becomes indeed TOO late.

So, the dogs. Schumer had it right when he compared their actions now to that of dogs. 

"Now they're sort of running away from what their real beliefs are, but they're like the dog who caught the bus. For years, they push to make this happen, unfortunately, to the detriment of over 100 million American women."

Thus, hence, our newly well populated animal world. Personally, I would love to see the backend of them as they flee this country, most unwelcome here as we fight to maintain our purpose - to remain a bastion of democracy and sanity, a leader for the good, in this desperately needy world of ours.

Let them crow in vain. Let the chickens come home to roost where they belong and may all the rats leave our ship of state, even as the dogs skulk away, tails between legs. 

Chickens and dogs and rats and roosters - go away.

Oh my indeed.

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