Friday, September 16, 2022


  Ad infinitum ad nausea? Oh yes, yes, indeed. In the meanwhile, this country is on a spin table going round and round, and where it stops, well, for sure, nobody knows, but there is a heck of a lot of fact-based supposition. Shall we pay attention to it, or shall we remain asleep at the wheel yet again? Will we, do we, ever learn - in time? That is a historical question demanding an answer, but there is great doubt if the answer will be taken into account and adjustments, which adjustments, made. Thus, ad infinitum yadayadayada.

However, boredom is our enemy, a beckoning path to ultimate destruction. That piper continues to play his tune and the red notices keep acomin'. After a time, the reaction, the result, is right there, no escape. For all the 'Doubtin' Thomases" out there, here is a bit, a tiny bit, of what awaits those who will not learn, who refuse to learn, who adamantly, stupidly, continue on their destructive path, taking along the rest of us for a most unwanted, unappreciated ride into hell.

So.... a python awaits the moment for an attack on a woman doing nothing but walking past its hiding place. Why? Because its traditional homes are being destroyed, forcing it out into human occupied areas. Who dun' the deed? All of us due to our greed and unthinking stress we place upon Mother Nature, a very angry Mother at that.

More? Not a problem, unfortunately. How about the multimillion-dollar dream homes along the shores of America, and elsewhere, just falling into, absorbed by, flooded, by a rising ocean, a sinking land mass and a complete disregard for sensible, planet housekeeping rules.

Nor does it end with Mother Nature's nature, regrettably for the survival of humankind in any kind of hospitable, hopeful, just political environment and governments. Nope, we are cavalierly throwing out the babies with the bathwater, at times not even waiting for the tub to fill before ejecting the occupant.

Here are some ugly mind's eye visions of which we should cringe and face, feel, great shame and great concern. Yes, folks, it can happen here; experts are writing almost hourly on the slide of the world from democracy to tyranny, authoritarianism, and the harm done to the country, the people, the world in general. Nor is our once wonderful nation immune, for we are included in that slide, not a fun park slide, but a dangerous existentially threatening one, where speed increases as we slide along, and protection is naught to be seen. No brakes at all.


"But I think if it happened, I think you’d have problems in this country the likes of which perhaps, we’ve never seen before. I don’t think the people of the United States, would stand for it.”

“I think they’d have “big problems. Big problems. I just don’t think they’d stand for it. They will not. They will not sit still and stand for this ultimate of hoaxes,” he claimed."

So what is that? J6 on very dangerous and prodigious amounts of crack? How dare this man, this pathetic excuse for a human, dare do this again? Why? How? Because we allow him to do just that -and worse. This time his incitements are not 'only' to a gathering of enraged, unthinking mob members ready to die to please their devil of a master, Trump, and overthrow the best hope of mankind. No, this time the instigation, the signal, is to the entire nation. Get ready, they are told. Be gunned up for the time is coming and it certainly is, more so the danger.

 Even as facts and statistics tell us that more than half, more than half, the Senate GOP nominees buy, hook, line and sinker, into the Big Lie and are poised to overturn the election. Still fervent, despite all the evidence to the contrary. They deny the reason, the falsehood of the entire mess and the perfidy of Trump et al.

Conway says, "it is Jan. 6 all over again". Yes, and no. Far, far worse, an increasing probability of a permanent rent in the fabric of this nation, sending it down to the ranks of the discarded, the once was, the faded, dark, failed Camelots of humanity.

Folks, the signs are there. So many of the candidates, for positions large and small, are fascistic in belief and plans. If the repositioning of immigrants does not send chills down your spine, think again. How far, truly, is that plan from the next step of stuffing cattle cars with the unwanted of any kind, immigrants, citizens, any person or people who displease the Powers that run the country. Not far at all, and you can see and acknowledge it, if only you would open minds and eyes and souls and hearts to the ever increasing, drawing closer, peril. Treating people as less than human, certainly of lesser value and importance than you-well, been there, done that and why the hell are we doing it again? Why can we not learn, never ever, to emulate the worst of humankind's history and failings. Why?

These are dark times for us all. No one can remain immune to the drums of hatred, for their sounds penetrate, deeply, irremediably, into the psyche of a nation. The individuals morph into an unthinking mob, accepting their new role as cannon fodder, fuel for the power of the fascist among us, for the scum of the earth to rise to the top and rule us all. It has happened before, it is happening now, and quite frankly, it is not so far off, not so unlikely, to happen here. Nor am I the only one thinking that, feeling the deep dread and fear in my every cell.

Thus, yet again and again, we are forced to choose. The fight to retain democracy, for justice, for an ever trying to improve humanity, goes on. Why must it be this way, why can we never seem to stay on the positive track? Well, that is above my pay grade and understanding. All I know is that we are in the midst of one of the most frightening, seemingly permanent, long- standing atmospheres of Nacht und Nebel, that the world has ever seen. And too many of us are buying right into it.

Again and again and again.

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