Sunday, September 18, 2022


  There is only one word necessary for the questions of our times. That is the word 'why'. Why are we facing this seemingly unique situation? Why have our governmental personnel, from President or former president to some of the lowest ranks, decided to commit treason? Why has our judicial system, the dispenser of justice, been compromised, openly, yet surprisingly to too many. Why is it that our entire justice system is confounded, dead in its tracks as that horse, after a wild ride, never to return to the stable for the safety of all. The damage done and why, dear G-d why, have we allowed this to be?

We have willfully, willingly, gone ahead with support of our most manifest and evil, yes, evil, personalities of our wicked times. We have allowed them to obscure the truths and warnings of history, the very special parts most apropos of our current horrific reality.

“Wherever law ends, tyranny begins, if the law be transgressed to another’s harm; and whosoever in authority exceeds the power given him by the law, and makes use of the force he has under his command to compass that upon the subject which the law allows not, ceases in that to be a magistrate, and acting without authority may be opposed, as any other man who by force invades the right of another.”  John Locke

Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it; and this I know, my Lords, that where law ends, there tyranny begins.” – William Pitt (Elder) Speech in the House of Lords 

 1680's. 1770. and 2022? Crux of the matter.  Locke, Pitt, just two of the many, including some in our own Senate, who have warned us, denounced those who would impose tyranny upon us, who would subvert our justice system from top to bottom all the while crying out, pitifully, how they are being persecuted. Bizarre. Dangerous. Hopefully, we can turn the clock back, though I doubt it. We must instead be able to walk forward in a new environment and rebuild, restore, reeducate, reinvent. All necessary if America, as such, is to survive in any meaningful manner.

Numbers often can give us a picture without many words. These statistics represent what has been termed a "landmine" left behind by Trump. A landmine that has already exploded, yet carries within much more potential to explode further, more aggressive in its damage to the very structure of our nation, our lives. Our future -and present. Even our past as history will take on the personality indeed of a 'story'. Follow these numbers:

 The six judges on the 11th Circuit are Trump judges,

," Every one of the 234 or so judges that Trump appointed is suspect."

2/3 of the Supreme Court Justices - Trumpians

Federal judgeships are appointments for life. FOR LIFE!

Yes, these numbers and words speak loudly, clearly, and terribly, negatively, to our future as a land where justice is sought, is constantly trying to improve, to be fair to all, to correct its inadequacies and negativities. No more. Not now. As for the future - well someone, somewhere, must come up with a viable manner in which to fix this dangerous blot on our future, on our nation. Soon. Very soon. Like NOW!

How else would anyone have dared to traffic humans boldly, illegally, immoral, so revealing of the evil to be found in the MAGA dominated GOP, the wreck of a once noble political party. No more. Putting bewildered, non-English speaking people come to this country in the name of safety and hope, on planes, away from their appointments in local courts, stranding them, leaving others to take emergency action to help them -and they do - well, this cries out for legal prosecution and consequences, the same as for a lowlife who trafficks girls and women. No difference. Same difference. Whatever you choose.

We are so clearly on a track of no good. We are following a classic downwards directed trail. Follow the path and see, predict, where we will end. Shouts to remove people -no Jews, no 'radical lefties', all opposed are 'antifa', socialists - need more? Have they not reminded you of the words of every dictator, certainly of modern times?! And the books. Oh, the books. Close to 1,700 books already being challenged, to be censored, removed from all public shelves. What next? Invasions of private homes to check their bookshelves? Then come the pyres of burning books, the wisdom of the ages dying before our eyes, even as there are those who gleefully pile it on.

Then, or already, we round up, transport, those we deem lesser, subhuman, unworthy of rights, of value only for the goods we steal from them, the labor we squeeze from them, before they die, the experiments we do on them in the name of medical advances. Then - just rid the earth of them. Burn books - burn people. An ancient mantra so horribly true.

We must, must, absolutely must, pick our leaders, or representatives much more carefully. We must check their behavior of the past and present. We must observe their deeds and follow their words. We must challenge them all, each and every one, for these are the people who make the laws, enact the laws, affirm the crooked, lacking judges appointed by yet another demented megalomaniac of history.

For how long will mankind allow these missing pieces people to dominate us all, to rend rather than repair, to raze rather than build, to produce evil rather than good. These are not the eluders we need. 

We must become wiser, keep those who would destroy us within the stables, unable to inflict harm upon society. If they escape, well, we, of necessity, must quickly regain control. Double down on the mighty tasks of educating an electorate re the values of democracy, re the scams of evil wannabe authoritarian personalities, re the values and the weaknesses of democracy, and the need to be ever alert to protect democracy.

Today, all over the world, we are descending, quickly, rapidly, into a world of darkness. A time when people are of no value other than for their use; if no usage available- just get them out of the way, any way possible. Democracy is on the wane as frightened people, as the toddler does, look to a parent, thinking they can solve all problems, keep them safe. A parent will try, though they have limits, and there are some that refuse, do the opposite. The same with leaders, even as they swear allegiance to legal rule, to respect for the people, to justice, to improvement - their noses grow by leaps and bounds, their tails and cloven hooves hidden beneath disguises.

It is upon us, the people, to demand a good, fair, positive, true to our manifest destiny not to seize land, but to be a good world leader. We must seek goodness in a clever, advancing manner, turning aside all extremes, for extremes trample on those of the middle ground. First and foremost, somehow the judicial system must be kept pure, out of range for partisanship and crooked appointments with evil the aim and the result.

A big job. Perhaps impossible at this point, but we must try, else all is lost and very, very soon.

I am not ready to write off my grandchildren's futures. Are you for yours?

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