Friday, October 28, 2022


 It appears that the poorer side of humanity persists in recreating itself in whatever version will work. Infact, it does quite well. It has learned to submerge when necessary and when to come back, in full power and its own despicable glory. Well, folks, this is now the status quo, even worse in contemplation, as the greatest attempt at translating, transferring hate, as an emotion, into hate as genocidal action was almost successful. Further attempts with other groups followed this dark path and we have simply tuned it all out, particularly as it seems to be somewhere other than here, in America. 

How many more groups must be added to this shameful list before we finally learn. Before we truly understand that hate cannot be neutralized via false words and sentiments. It cannot be isolated from other hates and forms of repression. In fact, they buoy each other, creating an evil synergy. When will we ever learn? When will we ever feel, know, internalize the awful truth that genocide, hate, oppression are the worst of humanity, a signal, a lighting of the way down the darkest paths humanity can, has, and will walk. Again, and again. Unless we extirpate its roots from within, deep down and once and for all. 

Today, we are witnessing the very ugly return of this evil companionship. Terribly, horribly, awfully, sad, and yet there it is.  Marching hand in hand, haters and oppressors, those who have already begun again to spout the words of hate and those who strive to deprive all of basic human rights. Certainly, the rights we have long championed here in America and are now in danger of extinction. 

Read some of the following quotes and opinions and if your danger radar does not ping wildly, well either you agree with this or you simply refuse to see, hear and accept the truth, preferring to avoid unpleasantness -until it is too late.

Michigan running back Donovan Edwards shared an antisemitic tweet featuring Ye, formerly known as Kanye West.... The tweet read, "Jewish people will literally tell you that they want you to kill your own and humiliate your women simply because they have children to feed."

 Former Vice President Mike Pence claimed during a Wednesday appearance on Fox Business that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution does not protect Americans from having other people's faiths forced upon them. Americans have no right to freedom of religion.

The armed, uniformed right wing extremist, terrorists actually, who are intimidating voters in Arizona.

Re the GOP and Black candidates: (feel the anguish and despair in the words.)                  "I think the sad thing about this is, you know, Herschel Walker is woefully underqualified for this job and the only reason he was chosen and also supported by Trump is that Raphael Warnock, the senator in Georgia is Black and they wanted someone who was Black to confront him, to oppose him."

"Because we can't tell each other apart," said Goldberg " "Just because we see a Black person does not mean we do 'monkey see, monkey do. And I'm sure that you don't know how insulting that is, but let us just say to you, don't ever say that again because you look ignorant as hell. "

"A leading scholar of election laws says."...the evolution of an increasingly conservative Supreme Court with a skeptical approach to voting rights and an emerging record of upending precedents means that the current interpretation of the right to vote is no longer a sure bet."

Bret Stephens in his column, writes re reporting on antisemitic actions and words -"At times, the reporting has all but accused Jews of bringing the violence on themselves, with lengthy stories about allegedly pushy Jewish neighbors or rapacious Jewish landlords. At other times- such as after the attack in January on a Texas synagogue by a British Muslim man who traveled 4,800 miles to get there -reporters seem to have gone out of their way to find non-antisemitic motives for nakedly antisemitic actions."

Does this ever end? Apparently not.

Is there any difference between hatred and bias against Jews and hatred of Blacks or Asian or whatever group tickles the ugly thoughts of ugly people? 

The answer is a resounding no.

 The time has come to stand up for what we believe in, what we need, what humanity needs. No one else will do it. ' It is as always, upon us.

We will either reap the results with joy or we will weep at the results in despair.

The time has come to take a stand. To make a decision. The side of the angels or the side of the devil?

Today I was horrified to read these articles and reports. It is worse than I thought. I am truly frightened for the rest of my life and for the generations to follow.

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